Family,  Parenting

Modern Molechs

Depending on the translation of the Bible with which you are familiar and/or the resource you are using his (its) name may be spelled and pronounced differently. He (it) was a god called “Molech,” “Moloch,” or “Molek.” 

According to, this was “…a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice.” We will not get into the gruesome details about how those sacrifices were carried out. 

I would be surprised (and disappointed) if those who are reading this are not appalled by that information. I can almost hear the incredulous reactions. Most of those reactions would have to do with how barbaric it would be to destroy the lives of precious children.

What I am about to type may not be very popular and I will readily admit that it is only one man’s opinion based on my observations. At the same time, I will stand by it. 

It is my opinion/observation that far too many children today are being sacrificed to some things just as insidious as an ancient god. They are being brought up in a society and, all too often reared by parents, who have “false idols,” worship at the wrong “altars,” and are destroying precious children.

When I hear about – or see proudly posted on social media – families attending or participating in some sort of sporting event, competition, etc. during a time set aside by a local congregation for worship and/or Bible study, I wonder if I am not seeing an example of “a modern Molech.” 

It is interesting (and disturbing) to hear the reason (excuse) made for these kinds of choices. They usually have something to do with the commitment that has been made to the team, squad, club, etc. I cannot help but wonder if any consideration is given to the commitment they should have made to the Lord and to the local church.

Maybe the “altar” is a stage or a playing field and the “god” is the person or persons on that stage or field. Can parents truthfully say that their primary interest is the faithfulness of their children when they will make a great deal of effort and spend a great deal of money in order for their children to get to see their favorite entertainment or entertainment “star,” but cannot/will not see any reason to encourage those same children to worship and learn about God? Is it not true that eternal souls are being put in danger because of temporary events?

Speaking of money – are some children being sacrificed on the altar of career advancement, financial success, materialism, social prestige, etc.? While providing for our families is both biblical and admirable, it should not be used as an excuse for putting the spiritual development of children on the back burner or neglected altogether. Are children being brought up by parents who are more interested in materialism than they are in spirituality?

Popularity is another insidious and dangerous “god.” Parents who want their children to be popular need to consider how much in the way of morals, reputation, and/or health has been sacrificed because of a desire to be popular. In some cases, popularity can even put one on the road to an untimely death.

It could be the case that the worst “modern Molech” is hanging on various walls in our houses. When I look into a mirror, I may see the source of most, if not all, of my problems. If I then teach my children that their physical appearance (including their wardrobe) is much more important than their character, I am bowing to the wrong “god” and teaching them to do the same.

All who think clearly would be repelled by the ancient practice that involved the gruesome sacrifice of small children. If we could turn back the clock to those days, some might even do whatever was in their power to stop the procession leading to the place where the sacrifices were to be made. I fear that there may be some today who may not be thinking too clearly and, as a result, are leading their children to an altar that may appear to be more attractive, but is even more deadly.

I’ve heard people who either feel sorry for or criticize Noah because he preached for so long and only saved his family from the flood. I’ve also talked with people who realize after their children are grown and have no relationship with God. Some of these people would gladly trade places with Noah. They now recognize that, while those children were at home, the family was worshiping a “modern Molech.”

If you know Donna, there is a really good chance that there is a verse that you have probably heard. I know that our children heard it a lot when they were growing up. 

It is my prayer that children are being still being reared in an environment like this: 

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;

and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt. 6:33)

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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