My Monday “Blessing Trail”
On her blog, Cindy Colley has started writing from time-to-time about a “blessing trail.” These posts have really caused me to think, and I needed to have one of those “thinking sessions” last night.
Yesterday was a wild day. Here, in very short form, is what all went down.
First, I got an email that one of our members had died.
Then, as I was getting ready to leave, I couldn’t find my car keys. If you know me at all, little things that put me behind schedule really get me upset, and this was a 15 minute search.
Then, as I was driving to the office, there was an accident and I had to turn around and go a different way. Of course, the way I decided to go was under road construction, so I had to go a third way!
And, as I was making all these twists and turns, my check engine light came on.
Then, when I got to the building, I found out that I was preaching at this departed sister’s funeral…on Tuesday! The family had just asked for “the preacher” to do the funeral without making sure “the preacher” would be available. Aaaahhhh
So, I called a member of the family, and he told me to just wait until the visitation that night to discuss the funeral. Yeah, that leaves me with tons of time to prepare!
I went to a preachers’ meeting…that was great, thankfully. A break in the amazing day.
Then, I went to get the car looked at, and the place said, “We can get to it tomorrow, but I’m not sure I’d be driving it.”
So, I took it somewhere else…and they fixed it, but (on a day like this) it took 3 hours, at the end of which they also told me that the car needs new tires (like, immediately). I knew this was coming soon; I just didn’t expect it quite this soon.
Then I went to the visitation and one of the family members started dry-heaving right beside me.
Yep…it was quite a day.
there are blessings in a day like that. Here are some things on the “blessing trail” from a crazy day.
1. It wasn’t anyone in my family or me who was involved in the automobile accident. Having been through a minor wreck, I know the fear that comes from those sounds and smells. I just turned around and got to drive another way.
2. It wasn’t my family mourning a loss. My family got to go and comfort the family. We didn’t have to be the ones mourning the loss of a departed loved one.
3. We have a car. In fact, we have two. Neither has ever caused us any major trouble, and we are able to use them to go to worship, work, visiting family, and to enjoy trips.
4. We had money to pay for the repair. God has blessed us with good income and with the wisdom to steward his money. We have been saving up money for a long time for car repairs. While we aren’t happy to pay for things like this, it’s a blessing that the money was there.
5. I was encouraged by the preachers’ meeting. Being around fellow preachers was a needed “pick-me-up” for the day. The lesson delivered was one that really made me think and it encouraged me to work better in God’s Kingdom.
6. I live in a nation where I can shop comparatively. When I was told we need new tires, I was able to say, “We’re going to do that later in the week.” In some parts of the world, people would just have to buy the tires and would have to pay whatever they were charged. Here, though, we are able to step back and make sure we are being wise in our purchases.
7. I have a great family. My wife and children went to the visitation with me last night, and brought smiles and comfort to the family. We got to drive home together and be in a nice, warm house together. Some preachers have to do everything alone. I’m thankful that my family does whatever they possibly can right by my side to bring blessings to others.
That’s probably not an exhaustive list, but I hope it encourages you to seek your own “blessing trail” when days are filled with annoyances and frustrations.

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