Family,  Homeschooling

Children’s Project: Bible Time Line

One of our favorite things about homeschooling our children is that we include the Bible in their curriculum. More accurately, the Bible is the foundation for their curriculum, with all other subjects feeding into their knowledge of God and His Word. Thus, there are many projects and lessons that help our children learn more about–and appreciate more deeply–the Bible.

One of those is their Bible timeline. Obviously, we could just buy a pre-made timeline and hang it on the wall. The kids would learn some, but there is something to be said for having them be part of the process of making the timeline in order to learn the chronology of the Bible. Each week, they discuss a Bible story, color a picture that is symbolic of that story, then hang it up at the very top of one of our walls. As the year goes on, this timeline will probably cover the tops of at least two walls (maybe three).

If you do not homeschool, this is still a great project for families to do in their nightly or weekly devotionals. It reinforces not only the Bible story itself, but also the chronological flow of Scripture.

Here are a few pictures of the timeline as it stands currently in our room.

Here's the entire timeline (so far)


As a dad, I love seeing my kids having a part in making these! Maybe you can take this idea to your classroom or your family devotionals.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.