Church Life,  Tech

More Christian Encouragement

We rarely post on Fridays (unless we release a podcast…which…well…we don’t do often), but I wanted to share a rare Friday post today. The reason is to let you know about some other things in which I (Adam) am involved on a regular basis through Central that you may find encouraging.

While we do other things online from Central (livestreaming services, “Central Focus” videos, and more), here are three that are fairly new that I hope you find encouraging.

Central Sermons Podcast. While we have podcasted our sermons before, we have run into a lot of trouble with our feed in the past. So, recently, we relaunched our sermon podcast and uploaded all sermons preached in 2023 thus far. Our hope is to release sermons each week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The podcast is available on every app, so go subscribe. You can also get more information here.

Inside Central Podcast. This was just launched this week, and is a lot of fun. “Inside Central” is meant to be a podcast with news, interviews, and…well…randomness. We will not record or release episodes on a regular basis, but each episode will be unique. Through this fun podcast, we hope to give some glimpse into what makes Central, Central! This podcast is also available on all podcast apps, so go ahead and subscribe, or get more information here.

60 Seconds with Central. This has been a lot of fun. “60 Seconds” is an Instagram-only video series that several of our men have been recording. Each post is just what it sounds like: an about-one-minute quick devotional thought that comes right to you through Instagram. We post 1-2 of these per week, typically on Mondays and/or Thursdays. You can follow Central on Instagram here so you don’t miss anything, including these quick devo thoughts.

We hope you enjoy all of these resources!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.