Church Life,  Tech

You Say It Best…

Several years ago, a former NFL coach became a meme when he was fuming about how many people get into trouble for things they text or share on social media. The meme was him very quickly and passionately saying, “Don’t press send!”

My article today is a “backup” article. By that I mean this: I had one ready to publish (I try to have ideas done several weeks in advance in possible and then write the posts out a week or so ahead of time) and it was done except for the graphic.

Then…I re-read it. While I actually think the article is true and the overall message is one that is needed, the way in which it was written just wasn’t right. It would likely have come across as trite or even mean-spirited, even though that would not have been the intention in the least.

I suppose that, eventually, I’ll re-work that article and maybe it will see the light of day. But that experience reminded me again that the song is right: sometimes “you say it best when you say nothing at all.”

Of course, we must speak. We must communicate. There is no prize for just being quiet, especially about eternally important matters.

What is far too-often forgotten today, though, is that how we say something matters a great deal. Further, when we are typing something in a text, email, social media post, or blog, we must be even more careful. There is not an opportunity to read someone’s facial expression or body language. It is impossible to see if they are being serious or sarcastic, kind or cruel. It is just “out there,” and that can be a dangerous thing if we are not thinking when we hit “send” or “publish.”

The same, by the way, would go for commenting. How often do we just cringe at so-called “comment wars” that could be avoided if someone would just (1) let something go, or (2) take the matter to a more private discussion? Instead, we often feel as if we just have to “say something,” and we end up saying something harsh or even vulgar, but for certain not truly productive.

In a time in which we can send nearly countless digital messages in a day, we must remember that each and every word we say–or type–is one for which we will be judged. Speak the truth, yes, but also remember that, sometimes it is best to follow that coach’s advice and just “don’t press send!”

Sometimes, in wisdom and humility, say nothing at all.

“When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” (Proverbs 10:19)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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