Mother's Day Comes Early
Mary Carol, now 2 1/2, loves to pray. That makes us so proud!
At nearly every meal, we’ll say, “Let’s pray,” and she says, “Daddy, I pray.” Of course, after her 10-second prayer, she always says, “Daddy pray.” Then I lead our little family in a prayer.
At supper last night, though, her brief petition brought tears to Leah’s eyes. While I don’t remember every word, here is basically what she placed before God’s throne:
Thank you food.
Thank you mommy’s food.
Thank you daddy’s food.
Thank you Mary Carol’s food.
Thank you for Turner’s food.
Thank you for my mommy.
Thank you for my daddy.
Aaaaaa-men.” (She likes that part.)
Not only was the prayer innocent, it showed us that she loves us.
In fact, we’ve had a rough couple of days. She’s hitting her “terrible two’s” in some ways, and we’re having to crack down on her more than usual. But she still thanked God for us…
……and put mommy first!
How appropriate on this week.
One Comment
Josh and Tiffany
How precious!!! I can just hear her saying that prayer…..Hang in there with the “terrible two’s”, but if it get’s too know where two good babysitters are 🙂