Now What?
The lines were insane. The stories were amazing. Stores were flooded with customers. Individual franchises set sales records before supper-time.
I took an informal poll last night at Lebanon Road and asked how many folks had been to Chick-fil-A (or were planning to after services). My guess would be that about half our congregation raised their hands.
It was a banner day, and I think it opened some people’s eyes.
But…now what?
DISCLAIMER: I loved what happened yesterday at Chick-fil-A. I am thankful for Mr. Cathy’s statement about traditional marriage. I am thankful for those who showed their appreciation in this way. This post is not questioning taking a stand.
There…disclaimer over.
As I was saying…now what?
Does anyone remember when religious groups, including the Southern Baptist Convention, vowed to boycott the Disney company? We were fired up…for about a month.
Do we remember when The Passion of the Christ was going to be watched so many times by Christians that it was going to be the highest grossing film ever made? It doesn’t even rank in the top 50, and wasn’t even the highest-grossing film of that year.
Was it wrong to get fired up about Disney, or to want to support a faith-based film? Of course not, and I’m thankful that these types of things light a fire in our hearts at times.
But here is my question: what are you and I going to do today that shows a stand for right and against wrong? Without a restaurant to go to; without a company to boycott; without a film to promote. What will we do?
How about we simply follow the example of Jesus.
You see, Jesus had “big events” in His life, too. You might think of when He drove out the money-changers from the temple. We might consider the glorious Mount of Transfiguration. We might just go to the simple but powerful Sermon on the Mount. These were huge events.
But when John began His account of the gospel–and, remember, John was there on the Mount of Transfiguration–he wrote about the glory that was shown in Jesus being “full of grace and truth.”
In other words, it wasn’t just the big event that made Jesus amazing. It was the everyday consistency of His character.
So, will you show grace to someone today? Will you teach someone the truth today?
Let’s follow the example of our Lord, and spend every day going about doing good.
Why does the “big event” light such a fire and draw us in? What can we do each day to shine our light? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Photo credit: charlesstarrett on Creative Commons.
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Auntie Am
Great thought, as usual. Actually, we plan to eat at CFA today because we couldn’t yesterday. And ours ran out of chicken, too. 🙂
LAM Forrest Park
Well done, Sir!
Tim Parish
Very well said, my friend. My thoughts exactly.
Chris Gallagher
Great thoughts my friend. I am glad you are asking those questions. I will say that I have seen people awakened from their slumber this year. As two examples: I shared an idea of buying, filling and giving backpacks to school children in need. I started with 25, then it grew to 40 and two guys chipped in and brought the total to 100 backpacks and members of the church as well as people outside the church are filling them. Example #2 – I have rented a shipping container from September – December and asked my friends, family and church members if they would like to help pack it full of food, clothes, baby items, toiletries and other necessities. Before Thanksgiving we are unloading the container to a couple women and children’s shelters. We will pack it again by Christmas and unload it again to families in need. Already we have donations from church members and even many outside the church.All of this happened because people have awakened to the need to begin changing the world each day. I see the slumbering giant of the children of God awakening to begin serving, praying, living their hope and sharing the message. Some are serving now more than ever. I say this, not to brag, but to let you know there are people living their convictions not just on a chicken day, but everyday.All this and I cannot wait to let people know what is in store for 2013.