Church Life

To the Same Place

We live in a world where those who are religious like to state that “one church [or faith, or doctrine, or teaching] is as good as another. We’re all going to the same place anyway.”

Usually, this is called “universalism.” It is the idea that God is loving enough that, eventually, He will allow everyone into heaven, whether they have taught/believed the same way or not.

There is one statement made by universalists that I agree with. That may shock you, but they get the statement right…just not the application.

Which statement? “We are all going to the same place.”

Now, before you start writing me up and branding me as a heretic, let me explain. The Bible does teach that every person who has ever lived–every man, woman, and child–is going to the same place.

We will all be in Judgment.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10). Every person will be there. No one will be exempt from bowing before Christ and confessing Him as Lord on that day.

So, the universalists have that one right. The only problem is what will happen on that day. In contrast to universalist teaching, not all will be given a pat on the back by the Lord and ushered into heaven. In fact, far more will be lost for eternity.

When you meet on Judgment with all who have ever lived, will you be ready? If not, contact us so we can study with you and help you be prepared for that Day.


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