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Episode 54: “Small Changes, Big Results” with Scotty Studer [Podcast]

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studer book cover

Every person and every family would like to be better in various areas of life. Oftentimes, though, we see changes as massive and overwhelming. In his new ebook, Small Changes, Big Results, Scotty Studer shares 26 ways we can see great results in different areas of our lives with just a few simple but intentional changes. On the podcast this week, he talks about the ebook, and shares a few insights just for our podcast listeners.


Get the eBook for Your Kindle

Small Changes, Big Results [Amazon Kindle store]

Other Resources/Links Mentioned in the Program

Screen Free Weekend” [previous podcast with Scotty]

Scotty Studer’s website

“Power for Today” [devotional magazine]

5 Minutes with God [Amazon]

5 Minutes with God, volume 2 [Amazon]

Meditations of My Heart [Sain Publications]

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