Church Life,  Family

Preparing for One Graduation

A young man in North Carolina took the slowness of the covid-19 pandemic in stride. Since his classes were online, he decided to take as many as he could, and also took some online classes from a community college. (If my understanding is correct, some of the classes counted for both his high school and college.)

So, on May 21, he will be receiving an associate’s degree from his local community college and seven days later, will receive his high school diploma.

Oh, the boy…is twelve years old! [Source]

I had a lot of reactions to that story, not the least of which was wondering what I was doing when I was 12!

But I also began to wonder about how many people are trying to live sort of like that young man–trying to accomplish so many things–when our number one goal in life is simple: be prepared for our “graduation” from this life to eternity.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m all for productivity and getting things done. I love being busy and sometimes I wonder if my “fire” can handle any more “irons.” That said, we can get so focused on doing many different things and trying to do them all so well–or by some deadline–that we lose sight of the fact that we are really to be focusing on one thing: preparing for everlasting life by bringing God glory in this life.

Parents, do we need to make certain our children are busy? Sure. That’s not a bad thing. But are we teaching them to be so busy that they forget what is most important and just don’t have time to prepare for it?

Elders, can even a congregation be so busy “doing stuff” that we are not making certain that souls are being taught and built up in the faith to prepare for Judgment?

Christian, check your calendar. Is it filled with so much stuff that you are not having any time to prepare for that greatest of all “exams,” when we will all stand before Christ?

Be busy–that’s okay. Do all the good you can–that’s wonderful. But don’t get so busy trying to do so many things that you are neglecting to prepare for the one graduation that matters above all others: the graduation from life to Judgment.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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