Church Life

Why the Pure in Heart are Blessed


My favorite beatitude is Matthew 5:8, where our Lord said,

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

I think this one is my favorite because of that word “pure.” We live in such an impure world that to see purity is rare. We live in a world where purity stands out, and I am always so grateful to see it. From modest dress to truly “clean” movies and music, we should thank those people who still demonstrate purity in a cesspool society.

But I want you to think of something else from this beatitude today. (And, by the way, preachers, feel free to rip this off. It’ll preach!)

Jesus ended that statement of blessing with the words “for they shall see God.”

Now, why would He tie purity of  heart with seeing God? Why would that be such a blessing?

It’s because the heart that is pure is always thinking about God in the first place. That person’s “blessing” is getting to see face-to-face the One they have concentrated on for their entire life. They have removed the impure things that distract their thinking from God. They have placed their whole mind on the Father in heaven…

…and now they get to see Him.

If that isn’t “blessed,” I don’t know what is!

QUESTION: What are some things we can do to keep our hearts pure?


Photo credit: Oscar E. on Creative Commons

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