
Review of “Free Book” by Brian Tome

For the first 30 or so pages of Free Book, I got the feeling that this was another “just do what you want and God will bless it” type of book. While the rest of the volume put those thoughts down a bit, I was still disappointed by much of Tome’s material.

Free Book is about the freedom that comes in being a Christian; a theme that needs to be heard. However, the book took liberties that were not fair to the topic. For example, Tome admits in the first part of the book that he drinks beer. He also admits that he “pushed” for a certain off-color word to appear in the pages of the book. After stating those things, though, Tome goes on throughout the book to basically flaunt those choices in the reader’s face. This, it seems, is Tome’s idea of “freedom.”

I did find some of the material worthwhile. The writer spends some time dealing with freedom from the guilt of sin and how to move past those feelings. While we need to grow from our mistakes, there is something to be said for the ability to realize forgiveness and regain freedom.

Overall, I was disappointed with this book. Freedom is a much-needed topic, and one that is often ignored, but Tome took the idea too far and seemed to go with the concept of “if it feels freeing, then God allows it.” Instead, we need to remember that we are always slaves to someone; either to Satan or to God. May we choose the Lord.


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