Church Life

“That’s Still Sin” Week #1 : Immodest Dress

Welcome to “That’s Still Sin” Week on the blog. This week’s posts are meant to take five issues that are called sinful in the Bible, but that rarely get discussed as such anymore. Today, we begin this series of posts with immodest dress.


We live in a sex-saturated society. It is difficult to drive down the road or walk down the corridor of a mall without seeing that sex sells. As the walls of sexuality erode, so has as the amount of clothing many people wear. In warm weather, it’s less clothing. In colder weather, it’s more clothing, but let’s see how tight it can be.

Will your clothes pins hold modest or immodest clothing?

In 1 Timothy 2:9, Paul taught that women were to adorn themselves in modest apparel. The word “modest” in that verse does not just mean to cover up. It really means that which is seemly or well-ordered. In fact, the Greek word is the word from which we get our term “cosmetic.” Any woman who puts on cosmetics realizes the need for their makeup to be well-ordered.

But the command is not just to make sure we have on enough clothing, it is to be sure we are wearing appropriate clothing. Being immodest could mean that we are over-dressed, or that we are dressed just to gain attention to ourselves. Maybe the best definition of immodesty is that it is dressing in such a way as to bring undue attention to ourselves. In our modern society, we are told, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” I’d like to thank our world for perfectly defining immodesty with that phrase.

Is this a problem among Christians? Very much so, and it isn’t just teenage girls who often wear that which is immodest. Men wear clothes that make sure they new “guns” are on full display. The middle-aged lady who has been working out buys some new, tight clothes to be sure people see her new shape.

Sadly, these describe some of what is worn, not just out in the neighborhood or for a day of shopping, but even to worship!

“But you can’t find modest clothing anymore.” That is simply not true. The truth is that we are not looking for modest clothing because we are too proud of our physical selves.

Immodesty in our dress is still sinful, and Christians need to stand firm against the rising tide of immodesty, or we will be swept away by it. If we are going to preach and teach that our soul is what is most important, then we need to dress that message, too.

QUESTION: What are some of your best tips for shopping and selecting modest clothing?


Photo credit: Simon on creative commons

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  • Aaron Cozort

    I would encourage a practice that I have heard my wife and other women discuss–and which my wife puts into action. That is finding a man who understands what the Bible teaches on modesty and asking them whether or not they would consider X article of clothing or outfit to be modest.
    For a wife, that should obviously be her Christian husband. For an unmarried woman, it can be her father or brother(s). Just remembering that a male is going to see that outfit on you differently than a female is–especially if you’re not asking them, “Does this make me look fat?” but instead “Does this help me portray a inward-person of godliness?”

    For guys, lets be honest that we generally know when we’re dressing to be seen by others–and we’re doing it intentionally. Men need to learn just as much as women that the heart of a person is on display in their appearance–if you appearance is radiating: “look at my body!” It is probably because your mind is not set on declaring the glory and holiness of God in your appearance.

    Lets not leave out the fact that God’s standard of modesty should also be seen in what the Bible says on “Nakedness” and that study tells us that we should be covered from at least our shoulders to our knees as befits one who is righteous in the eyes of God. This is true for men and women.

  • James Hayes

    This topic has always been interesting to me. In the first century, wearing certain jewelry would be considered immodest. The most modest women I know today would never dream of leaving their house without wearing jewelry. But even today there are some women who believe that ANY makeup and ANY jewelry is immodest (see: the Amish and some Pentecostal and Nazarene groups). That’s why I’m a little hesitant to make hard and fast rules concerning what is and isn’t modest for men and women. How can someone claim to be the ultimate judge on what is modest and immodest? Put ten preachers in a room and ask these questions: Can a man mow his yard without a shirt on? Can a woman go to the beach? If so, can she wear a one piece bathing suit, even though that one piece exposes 99% of her legs? Are there some clothing items that one woman could wear and be modest while it would be immodest on another woman? I think you would find that those preachers would give a wide variety of answers to those questions.

  • Adam Faughn

    James, I appreciate your interest in this subject. It is one that interests me, as well. If you noticed, I tried to avoid specifics in the post (Don’t have a skirt on that doesn’t come to the ankle, for example), and just for the reason you cited. I think modesty in our clothing comes down, primarily, to the mindset and attitude. WHY am I wearing this? Do I want people to be drawn to my external features–especially those features that no one needs to see other than my spouse–or will this clothing detract from my ability to tell someone about the One who saved my soul?

    Thanks for reading and commenting! Keep up your great work!

  • Adam Faughn

    Aaron, I think you have a great suggestion for ladies, especially a married woman. I like the last question for ladies, “Does this help me portray an inward-person of godliness?” While that may be a bit of an awkward question, the answer to it will tell ladies a lot about what they need to purchase and wear, or just return to the store’s shelves!

    Thanks for your great work, brother!