“That’s Still Sin” Week #3 : Crude Jesting
Welcome to “That’s Still Sin” Week on the blog. This week’s posts are meant to take five issues that are called sinful in the Bible, but that rarely get discussed as such anymore.
Laughter is wonderful. I love to laugh, and very few things are more wonderful than sharing stories and jokes with brothers and sisters in Christ and sharing a good laugh.
In fact, in Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful spirit is like good medicine.” Part of that “joy” can come at times from healthy laughter.
However, what we laugh at is so important. Christians cannot find their humor in the same things as the world. In Ephesians 5, Paul speaks about some of the differences between the world and followers of Christ. In verse 4, he wrote, “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.”
We could take the time to talk about each of the three types of sinful talk Paul mentions, but the third on that list is the one that is rarely spoken of anymore, and it is one with which many Christians struggle.
“Crude joking” translates a Greek term that basically means “laughter at low things.” The idea is that we find humor in things that are sinful, crude, or beneath dignity.
Is this a problem in our world? Absolutely. As sin continues to permeate our society, so the things we find humorous become more and more base. Things that were not even discussed a few generations ago are now used as building blocks to humor. The reason is quite simple: if we can laugh at something, we usually come to accept it, or tolerate it at the least. So, those who sin willfully know that, if they can get Christians to find something humorous with sin, over time our guard will be down, and we will stop speaking against it.
Don’t believe me? Why do you think there is such a clear push for homosexuality in funny TV shows and movies? Why do you think so many stand-up comedians relentlessly use foul language? Why is it that sit-coms take subtle jabs at religion?
It’s because, over time, we will find those things funny, too, and we will tolerate them. It is one of the devil’s best tools.
Satan knows that, if he can take something that is meant for good–humor and laughter–and change our mind even slightly about it, then he has us.
Christians, let’s be sure that we avoid jokes that are crude, coarse, and base. Let’s enjoy laughter over things that are truly humorous, but that also reflect the joy of the Lord.
Photo credit: Marcus Barnales on creative commons
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