So…How Did You Do?
About a year ago, many of us sat down and thought of goals for the coming year. Those resolutions for 2010 were ideas of things we wanted to complete, mature in, quit, save for, of a myriad of other things. We wrote them down (or typed them) and put them in a place where we would see them.
And then… January 2nd came.
For some goals, they were already shot. Some made it a few weeks. Some never got off the ground. Some were completed.
If you wrote down more than 2 or 3, you probably finished a few, didn’t finish a few, altered a few, and never started a few. I will admit that I did a few of each. Some were highly personal goals, and, thankfully, I can say I at least showed improvement in those. But some were never even started.
Here are some of my goals that I don’t mind sharing, and how I did with them:
1. Keep and up-to-date prayer list (and I had specific areas to focus on). I did better on this than I have in the past, but never really wrote the list down. I continue to struggle with this, and will “re-up” that goal for 2011.
2. Read at least 50 books (and I had a few categories to work on). As of Sunday, that one is done! This was a major goal, since I used to strive for 40 in a year, and raised it to 50.
3. Exercise at least 25 minutes per day (for overall health). I didn’t start this right away, but have been doing it for the last 4 months or so. I altered this goal a little, as I only focus on exercise during the “work week.” For me, this is a major step forward.
4. Take Mary Carol on “daddy/daughter dates” starting with her 5th birthday. I waited a few weeks after her birthday, but this goal is underway, and I am glad!
5. Memorize one book of the Bible. I didn’t do this, but I altered it. Instead of a book of the Bible, I memorized the Sermon on the Mount.
6. (For Leah and me): finish emergency fund of 3-6 months expenses. When I make our next run to the bank, this will be done.
There were other goals, but they were quite personal to me. I hope you understand me not sharing those in such a public format.
So, how did you do in 2010? What are some 2011 goals?
You did good, Adam! I resolved to read through the whole Bible in 2010. I didn’t quite make it, but it’s still been a blessing.
Adam Faughn
That’s a great resolution. Even if you don’t finish, you are so right that it is a blessing! Keep at it.
We’ll have daily Bible reading schedules available tomorrow night to help you in 2011 with that goal!