Family,  Parenting

To My Son, On His 7th Birthday



I know exactly where I was seven years ago today. I also know exactly how nervous I was, for a lot of reasons.

Now, seven years later, I’m still nervous, and for some of the same reasons. The main reason, though, is that I continue to pray that you will grow up to be a strong, faithful, Christian man, and I know that the example of that rests on me. Too often, buddy, I let you down in my example.

You are growing up so, so fast. I know that you are meant to grow, but this past year we have seen so much change in you. It is clear to everyone that you are growing physically. That’s impossible to miss, especially when we have to buy clothes!

But you are also growing in more important ways. Intellectually, you are brilliant. It is remarkable how much you remember, and your curiosity–while it can get on our nerves at times–it contagious. We are also seeing you mature in your social life. While you still hate to lose (I do, too) and don’t like it when you don’t get your own way (who does?), we are seeing you get control of yourself. For that, we are so proud. You have really worked hard, and we pray that you will continue to do so.

I am also so proud of your manners. While all your manners aren’t perfect, I am proud of how you remember to say “ma’am” to your mother more often, and you are getting so good at saying “please” and “thank you” at various times. You are better at obeying mommy and daddy without complaining. We still have a ways to go, but your growth in this area is great, and we are so proud.

You are fast becoming our family’s artist. You love to draw, create, build, and make music; and you are really, really good at it. Your gifts may just be there. If they are, I pray you always use that love of creativity to glorify God through your creations. If your gifts are somewhere else, and this is just a phase, I hope you enjoy the journey!

Nearly every night when you and I say our prayers, you know that I pray that I’m so thankful that you are my son and that I’m your daddy. Turner, those aren’t empty prayers. God blesses us all the time, but He went out of His way when He brought you into our lives. He is so good to our family, and you are an irreplaceable part of that family.

Seven years. Some say that seven is the lucky number. In our case, though, I think it is a blessed number, because we are blessed by 7 years with a wonderful son.

And, as I do each day, I’ll keep praying for many more.

I love you.



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