A Very Special Prayer Request
At Lebanon Road, we have spent a lot of time in prayer recently for a wonderful five-year-old boy. Blake Rader was diagnosed last week with a brain tumor, and underwent an 8-hour surgery last Friday. Dozens of people came to the hospital to be with his parents, Michael and Connie, and the outpouring of love through prayer, notes, online messages, and other acts of kindness has been nothing short of amazing.
Yesterday, Blake had to go back to the ER here in Nashville with more difficulties. He and his parents spent the night at Vanderbilt Children’s hospital, awaiting more results from more tests.
If you want to know more of Blake’s “story,” here is the link to his Caring Bridge site.
Honestly, this has been quite a strain on many of us–but none of us more than the family. But we are praying…a lot.
Today, I am asking for something very special, and I am setting my sights high. At 12:00 Eastern (11:00 Central, 10:00 Mountain, etc.), I am asking you to pray for 10 minutes for Blake and his family. I would like to know that at least 2000 people are praying for that stretch of time for this wonderful little boy.
I am asking for three things:
1. That you pray. Whether you are alone, in an office, at home, in a classroom, on a break,…wherever, please take these 10 minutes to pray fervently.
2. Post a picture of you or your group praying on the “Pray for Blake” group on Facebook. [If you are not on Facebook, email me the picture, and I’ll post it for you.] Include your location, so we can know how far the influence of this good family is known.
3. Again, I think we can have 2000 people, whether we get pictures from them all or not. Please help spread the word, and then take this great little boy before God’s throne. I’ll meet you there as we pray.

Kristi Burleson
We will be praying here at the Burleson house, just outside Henderson, TN.
Debbie Pace
PrayIng in Paris TN
Jerry McCann
Praying for Blake.