Stand: Preparation and Choice

While listening to a recent lesson, we were examining the well-known passage in Ephesians 6 concerning our Christian armor. It was pointed out that the concept of “standing,” “withstanding,” and “standing firm” are all clustered together in verses 10-18. A skeptic might wonder if Paul just had a limited vocabulary. A Greek scholar might expound on the wealth of meaning in the Greek phrase translated this way. (Look it up at – it’s pretty interesting!)
However, I looked at this passage and noticed a couple of things that I think are being emphasized. First is the idea of making preparation. Verses 10-13 seem to me to be focused on making ready or the act of preparing myself with phrases such as “[p]ut on the whole armor of God” and “take up the whole armor of God.” Those indicate my intent to stand firm by making myself ready.
But I can have all the correct armor on and still run from battle. Verse 13 transitions between these two concepts from being prepared to stand firm and actually standing firm. That is why verse 14 begins with “Stand therefore.” In other words, make good on your plan. Move from the intent to the action. I can think I will stand in truth and even intend to do so, but fall short when faced with a battle. I must choose to stand.
Both parts of this equation are important. I can be prepared and fail or I can stand firm but be in error. Let us each determine to both prepare and act on standing for the Lord!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6:13
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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum