Stop Sucking Your Thumb!
My daughter is 6-years-old. She is our precious treasure. We love her so much.
But she still sucks her thumb.
It drives us crazy. We tell her over and over to stop. We have tried several things, but it truly is a habit that she has had since infancy.
We try to tell her that big girls don’t do that. We try to tell her what it could do to her teeth if she keeps it up. We try to convince her to break the habit.
Then, at 2:38 this morning, she was crying. I got out of bed and went to her room. She told me that she had had a bad dream and it had scared her. I consoled her and lay beside her for a moment. Immediately, with her father nearby, she put her thumb back in her mouth…and went right back to sleep.
I lay there for a couple of more moments realizing how much like me that is.
No, I don’t suck my thumb, but how often, knowing that my heavenly Father is nearby, do I look for some “both-and” solution to get through life?
How often does He try to tell me about the abundant life that I can have if I will just live for Him fully, and I still live with some sort of crutch, and stumble through life?
“I gave you a wonderful wife. Why do you look at other women, too?”
“Can you not remember the heartache that alcohol has plagued people with, and you still ‘need’ it to get through a rough day?”
“What ‘thing’ is it that you are going to buy that can do for you what I can?”
…and yet I keep sucking my thumb.
We must realize that we don’t need any crutch when we have our Father. He is near, and He brings us all we need.
QUESTION: What “thumbs” do you need to give up?
Photo credit: dlisbona on Creative Commons
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