• Church Life

    Two Lists on Evaluation

    It’s a bonus! Instead of our usual Wednesday list, we have two for you. Evaluation is a difficult process, but it is one that is necessary. Congregations must spend time evaluating the works, programs, and other areas in which they are involved. But it is difficult. Why? That’s our first list. Here are 5 common reasons why spending time evaluating is difficult. 1. It is time-consuming. It is far easier to just say, “We’re doing good!” However, honesty must prevail. Not everything is going well all the time. Real evaluation means that time will be spent digging into the details to figure out why something is or is not going…

  • Books

    Get Ready for Reviews

    Here are quick reviews of 5 books I’ve recently finished in a word-for-word fashion. ———————————– The Grace of Giving Stephen Olford Baker Book House, 1972 (124 pages) Olford’s book is a series of seven short sermons presented on the subject of giving. Olford, a Baptist “pastor,” shares many verses in each sermon. While I disagree with Olford on the concept of the tithe, I found the rest of the book to basically be very well done. If you are planning a series of lessons or classes on giving, this would be an excellent little book to have as one of your resources. In each lesson, there are very helpful sermon…

  • Church Life

    6 Wonderful Things about Dedicated Deacons

    I love preaching and teaching on God’s plan for the organization for the church. Each time I study and think on this topic, I am amazed at how God’s plan will be the greatest if we will just follow it. Sadly, many congregations think God’s way is too old-fashioned, or that it is inefficient. I totally disagree. In my opinion, most (if not all) who feel that way simply have not studied the topic deeply. Is everything always going to go perfectly? Of course not. After all, we are human! However, congregations that have elders who feed and shepherd and who allow deacons to work and serve will see spiritual…

  • Uncategorized

    Being Apathetic: It's Pathetic!

    I’ll be the first to admit, I have my lazy moments. There are days when I don’t want to do anything but watch a ball game or just relax. This post isn’t about running 100 miles per hour 24 hours each day. Each person needs time to relax his mind and his body. This post is about apathy, the desire to avoid work. I hate it when I waste a good opportunity. There are so many things I want to accomplish in a day, a month, a year, and (of course) in my lifetime that I hate it when I don’t get something done. It’s more than just being “driven,”…