• Church Life

    14 Quotes about God’s Love

    Need a pick me up today? Then take the time to consider this list of quotations about the love of God. I didn’t cite sources, but these are culled from various locations, and (obviously)  none are original with me. Enjoy, and be encouraged. God loves you! ————————— “A sinner may go to hell unsaved, but none will go there unloved!” (Allen Webster) “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” (Augustine) “Thoughts and feelings come and go. God’s love for us does not.” (C.S. Lewis) “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And…

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    Reflections on "Where No One Stands Alone"

    When I was in the Sonshine Singers at Freed-Hardeman, we sang the beautiful hymn “Where No One Stands Alone” many times. The song was also a favorite at campus singings and devotionals. It’s always fascinating to me what “old” songs are commonly sung by young people and young adults. The hymn reflects a theme that is common to many other great songs: God’s protection. We go through moments in life when we feel alone, but, as the song eloquently states, we “cry” to God, “Don’t hide Your face from me.” Aren’t you thankful that God is always there! In my mind, though, it’s the chorus of the song that gives it a…