
Reflections on "Where No One Stands Alone"

When I was in the Sonshine Singers at Freed-Hardeman, we sang the beautiful hymn “Where No One Stands Alone” many times. The song was also a favorite at campus singings and devotionals. It’s always fascinating to me what “old” songs are commonly sung by young people and young adults.

The hymn reflects a theme that is common to many other great songs: God’s protection. We go through moments in life when we feel alone, but, as the song eloquently states, we “cry” to God, “Don’t hide Your face from me.”

Aren’t you thankful that God is always there!

In my mind, though, it’s the chorus of the song that gives it a life that will not fade anytime soon. Here are the famous words:

Hold my hand all the way

Ev’ry hour, ev’ry day;

From here to the great unknown.

Take my hand, let me stand

Where no one stands alone.

The song admits a vulnerability in us: we don’t know what to expect either in life or when our time comes to die. We “do not know what the morrow may bring” as James tells us, and the unknown often frightens us. It’s also difficult for many–even strong Christians–to face the difficulties of death in ways that are hard on the body. While one may  not fear death itself, the process of dying can frighten so many.

It tears me apart to think of many who are lonely when illness, difficulty, and even the last hours of life come. They lay in beds at home or in a hospital in total fear of what is coming their way.

In  just the same way, it hurts to think of those who face life’s hard decisions alone. Maybe a job loss comes or a business fails. Maybe a mate decides to leave or a child becomes wayward. Maybe a loved one dies. These moments scare us, and rightfully so.

That’s when we ask God to hold our hand every hour of every day. But it’s the line “let me stand where no one stands alone” that ends the powerful song with a word of triumph. We know that these difficulties are but for a moment. And there is coming a time where, no matter how many in this world stand with us, we will not stand alone. We will be, as my friend Andy says, with the overcomers.

Are you unsettled? Do you fear? Pray that God will take your hand and guide you. You are not alone!



  • Tim

    Thanks for reminding me of this great hymn, Adam! I literally get goose bumps every time we sing it…especially when we build to a crescendo on that chorus! How comforting to know that we really never are alone when we have God in our lives.

  • LaFever

    I’ve always loved this song too. I think everyone has had times where they’ve felt that intense lonliness. I love the Solomon type picture too reminding that love happiness and fulfillment aren’t found in riches. While this song has a tendancy to be led in a way that strains the range sometimes I think it’s appropriate considering the words that we are singing. And in the chorus to me the words tell me, we need God to take us to and help us stand there because we can’t do it on our owns.