
The 12 Days of … Resolutions

Less than one month ago, we were enamored with Christmas tunes. They are everywhere. One of those is “The 12 Days of Christmas.” (Yes, it happens to be one of my favorites. I like lists!)

After Christmas, many of us focused on making those resolutions for the new year. Some said they would lose weight, while others promised to learn a new skill. Some may have resolved to get a new job or to improve in the area of parenting. Some resolved to read through the Bible, and others resolved to study more deeply.

We’re 12 days in. How are you doing?

It’s amazing how many stores had sales on exercise equipment and videos. Congregations set out sheets for reading through the Bible. Fitness centers offered discounts on memberships. Now all those things seem like a distant memory.

It’s amazing how our perspective can change in less than two weeks. Our schedules get jammed and we get back into our regular routines. Obviously, some things are unavoidable, but it’s amazing how we started out on fire to accomplish these goals and, in less than two weeks, we’ve slowed or even stopped many (all?) of them.

You know where this is going, doing you!

How many of us became Christians, on fire to serve the Lord, only to then slow (stop?) in our service to our King. We remember the zeal we had in our service to Christ, and now………..

Get excited again. Christ still loves you, and He sacrificed His life to save your soul. Don’t slow down in your service to Him. Be resolved to give yourself fully to His service again!


What do you do to continue in faithfulness?


One Comment

  • Mom

    So far, I’m still going on my resolutions. Thanks for reminding me that I don’t need to give up. Love you, Adam.