Church Life,  Family

The Creep of Pride

Tomorrow (June 1) is the beginning of “Pride Month” in the United States. The month is meant to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. However, there are a couple of things about this “celebration” that Christians need to be keenly aware of, and that need to be said loudly and clearly.

First, simply consider the irony of calling all this “pride.” Considering that “pride” is the sin behind all other sins, it is tragically befitting of this month. All the way back in the Garden of Eden, the serpent gave the temptation (basically) to be equal with deity and the pride that temptation led to was not overcome by Eve. Ever since, pride has been behind every sin.

Each time a person sins, it is–at least in part–because he or she thinks they know better than God. That is the very concept behind pride. And, now, we have an entire month on our calendar celebrating people who think they have human sexuality figured out better than the One Who created it. Each time we see the rainbow flag (which just keeps adding colors), we are reminded that these are people who are proud…of pride. It is a symbol of sin, backed by the sin that is behind all other sins.

But the other thing I want us to consider is how pride continues to creep. I am old enough to remember when there were random “pride nights” held by various groups (maybe a ballteam or a student group). Now, though, we have an entire month. But, has anyone noticed that all the symbolism started in the middle of May (if not earlier)? Just like people buy pumpkins for Halloween decorations in September, now we have pride displays weeks before “Pride Month.” (And I’m willing to say that several companies and organizations will “just happen” to forget to change back to their normal logos and branding on July 1.)

This creeping of sin, though, is no surprise, because that’s how all sin works, and it is especially how pride works. Once it gets a foothold, if it is not repented of, it grows. We begin to think we can get a little more power, a little more control, a little more…and more…and more.

So, it is no wonder that “Pride Month” now basically starts a few weeks early. Oh, and don’t forget that October is now also an LGBTQ+ month (history month). So, we are now force-fed these sins for 1/6 of our calendar…and growing.

When will Christians wake up? When will we say something much stronger than “enough is enough.” When will we say that any sin is too much?

We must stop ceding ground. We must speak clearly. This is sin. Period. And sin is nothing to take pride in.

And we must not continue to let it creep in around us, or eventually there will be nothing left for it to overtake.

Oh…and pride? It goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). I’d rather not experience that fall.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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