Church Life,  Family,  Tech

The Devil’s Newest Tool

Those who have heard me speak in the recent past will know what I am talking about. It has taken the place of several other things, all of which are still dangerous tools, but this one seems to exceed them all. It is convenient, small, very smart, and available to almost everyone.

Of course, I’m talking about the cell phone. That little computer you can hold in your hand and take with you wherever you go. That thing that connects you to so many people on social media. That device that allows you to connect to sites about which no one else will know (or at least, you don’t think they will know about it). That smartphone which not only connects you to the entire world, but also can rob you of your life as you know it.

You may be thinking, how is that possible! Something so useful should not be described as the devil’s newest tool. Something so useful and helpful could not possibly rob you of anything in life! 

Do these verses sound familiar to you? 

“Now the serpent [devil] was more cunning than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made”  (Gen. 3:1a emphasis added).

“…for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14 emphasis added).

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1Peter 5:8 emphasis added).

What, then, could the devil possibly rob you of with your cell phone?

  • Time.  Number one on my list is time. It is so tempting to just sit down for a few minutes and scroll through any social media site, and thirty minutes or an hour later when you finally look up, you are stunned at the amount of time you have spent on that device. That time could have been spent doing something useful, or even better, been spent in the study of God’s word.
  • Conversation.  Do we realize that the way we really connect with people is by speaking face to face with one another? As a former speech teacher, I always tried to teach my students that eye contact was very important. When you look into the eyes of the person with whom you are speaking, you learn a great deal about their understanding of what you are saying! Eye contact along with tone of voice and facial expressions are all means of clear communication. I can’t clearly communicate with someone with the typed word. (It may even be difficult for you to know that my heart is really involved in what I am writing in this post because you can’t see my feelings in this blog!)
  • Spirituality.  How often has something popped up on your screen that created within you a feeling that was not Christ-like? A “friend” on Facebook, or an acquaintance you barely know, has something political or unscriptural or vulgar or immodest on their page and because you’re  “friends” with them, you see it. You can’t help but see it as you scroll through the posts. And then you can’t un-see it, or un-read it. It’s there in your mind. What does it add to your spiritual life? Does it make a positive spiritual impact or a negative spiritual impact upon your life? Does it add to or take away from you spiritually???
  • Your family.  I have watched husbands and wives sit in the same room and totally ignore one another as they spend countless hours viewing posts or texting other people. If that amount of time was spent talking about their family life, their plans and dreams together, they would have a wonderful life to look forward to. I have also seen parents sit and view or text others while their children sit ignored by one or more of their parents. When they try to interact, they are aimlessly told “in a minute.” When they, in excitement, try to share something with the parent, they are ignored. How many parents have missed important parts of their child’s life because an “important” text came right at the moment your child was getting ready to open that gift on their birthday, or perform at school or on the ball field? Who or what could be so important that the child you brought into this world should be ignored?

Countless families have been destroyed by this tool of the devil. Adultery and pornography have become common among people who never thought it could happen to them. Once their families are destroyed, it is almost impossible to put back together. But, you see, the devil is cunning, and can disguise himself, and he walks about as a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.

Like most other things, the cell phone can be used in many positive ways. Modern technology has been used to spread the gospel and to help us stay connected to those we are trying to teach and encourage. It does not have to be a negative in our lives, but we must be aware as we make use of any technology.

With that said, may we all be aware that a dangerous robber is at every door. Let’s make sure we don’t let him in.

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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