
The July 10: Monthly Roundup

It’s the last Friday of the month, and that means it is time for the monthly 10….although this month we have 12…links. Enjoy the ride.

Wait…you can’t count to 10?

I can, it’s just that I have 2 bonus links for you this month. I was honored to be asked to submit two guest posts to brotherhood blogs this month, and I wanted to share those with you. First, Michael Whitworth asked me to contribute an article to his 29 Days of Psalms series. I wrote about the shortest psalm of them all, Psalm 117. Here is that post. Second, Heritage Christian University asked me to contribute to their blog (which is new, but really good). I wrote about “What is Right with the Church?” Here is that post.

Okay, okay…enough shameless self-promotion! Let’s see some links.

Here are the first five this month:

1. Adam Wilson (a member at Lebanon Road) has a blog that is very infrequent (3 posts in 2 years qualifies). But when he writes, it is excellent material. His latest entry was very good. Enjoy “Isn’t It Funny…

2. My dad wrote a great post about how we let things slide called “Falling Through the Cracks.”

3. Trey Morgan writes some of the best posts I read on marriage. His article, “One Thing that Every Marriage Needs,” is short, but is a must-read.

4. I have a standard on this blog. If you (1) write about Statler and Waldorf, (2) make a spiritual application, and (3) I know about it, there’s a really good chance your post will be in the monthly roundup! Neal Pollard wrote about these two great characters and provided a great reminder in his post “Do You Know Statler and Waldorf?”

5. How many people think, “I’m not a preacher, so I don’t teach”? Paula Harington gives a wonderful reminder in her post, “The Sermon.

Those were good, but tell us a little about your July.

How kind of you! I preached in 3 states, led singing in two, counseled a week of church camp, helped Leah get ready for our first year of homeschooling, read a few books, visited, took Leah on a date, took Mary Carol on a daddy date, and rested a little.

It was a great month, for sure.

Enough about you. Let’s hear more Statler and Waldorf!

Fair enough…they are more entertaining. How about seeing these two Muppets go up against Milton Berle? It’s one of my favorite videos from the Muppet Show. Enjoy!

Now That’s Funny! With that break, let’s go back to some links.

Here are the remaining five links for this month.

6. How about an interesting news item from Europe. Parents and those who work with young ladies will want to see this. An advertiser in the UK had to remove billboards and other ads of Julia Roberts. Why? Read this article from London.

7. Who needs some praise? We all do. Jeff Jenkins writes a wonderfully encouraging article for us all, “We Stood and Applauded.”

8. Tim Pyles reminds us of certain phrases we use that others might not understand in a very practical post, “Skin a Rabbit.”

9. How many of us say certain things, only to realize that the odds of them being true are not too great. Scott McCown helps us realize “10 Common Lies” we must avoid.

10. Money Help for Christians had a wonderful satire post that I hope you will read. It’s called “3 Quick Tips for Experiencing the Fool’s American Dream.”


There you go. 10 links from a great month. We hope you are enjoying this format of our links roundup. It is a lot of fun to put together, and we pray that each of these posts is helpful, informative, and encouraging to you. Until August…………………….

BY THE WAY…next week on our blog will be very special. Mary Carol starts homeschooling, so on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will be featuring posts related to that decision and the steps we took to get ready. We hope you enjoy those posts, and we covet your prayers as we begin this huge step in our lives.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.

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