Church Life,  Evangelism

The Most-Forgotten Important Part of VBS

As this is being released, we are right in the middle of VBS week at Central. Our Vacation Bible School runs from Monday evening through Thursday evening and is a true highlight on our church calendar. After 2020, when we couldn’t have VBS and after 2021, where we had it, but tried to “cap” the numbers a bit, it is a joy to see young people everywhere in our building for this special week again!

I have “directed” VBS approximately 16 times over the years. I will admit that my job is basically getting amazing people to lead various departments and letting them shine. It always makes me cringe a bit when people give me credit for VBS because I know how little work I have actually done. The coordinators, teachers, and many others have done the work!

But I want to share today what I think is the most often-forgotten step in VBS, and it is extremely important. Frankly, it’s one that I have not always done well with, but have tried to improve each year.

It’s not decorations. Most congregations go all-out on decorations and they are tremendous.

It’s not snacks. At Central, we don’t just do cookies and Kool-Aid. Our snacks are amazing, from hamburgers to S’Mores!!!

It’s not even the lessons. As I walk the halls and peek into rooms, I am constantly amazed at how much Bible our teachers are getting into these young minds and hearts. (Personally, I could not be any more grateful that, at Central, we do not forget that the Bible is to be the center of VBS. It’s not just a show; it’s Bible school!)

So, what is it? What do so many congregations not do for VBS that is extremely important?

Follow up.

Why do you invite guests to Vacation Bible School? Is it just to fill your building and say you had good numbers? Is it just so that “Booster” is louder?

Or is it because you want to win lost souls to Jesus?

If it is to win the lost, then you need to follow up! What families let their precious child come to Vacation Bible School? Will you send them a note? Will you drop by for a visit? Will you have some materials ready to, hopefully, encourage them to want to visit on a Sunday or to hold a Bible study?

If you are not getting contact information, for one thing you may not be doing things safely–but, for another thing, you are missing a possible contact to study with or invite back to worship.

Will they come? Only the Lord knows that. But they won’t if we don’t ask them, I can guarantee!

Yes, at the end of VBS, we are all tired. It is an exhausting time. But do not let that stop you from making contact with those families that trusted you enough to let you teach their children the Bible. You simply cannot know where it might eventually lead.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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