Church Life

The One Thing You Can Believe In

There are certain concepts of the Christian faith that are much easier to say that to live out. One of those is real trust; real faith.

We place our trust in all sorts of things, then we are surprised when they let us down. While few let us down intentionally, we will be let down from time-to-time.


It’s the husband who let his eyes wander while on a date with you.

It’s the wife who overspends and overdrafts the checking account.

It’s the government who no longer even gives lip service to Biblical standards.

It’s the “good” musician who suddenly comes out with a racy music video.

It’s the Christian athlete who has his picture taken, proudly displaying a couple of brews and a few ladies.

It’s the company who goes against decades of precedent and starts stocking alcohol. (After all, they have a bottom line to attend to!)

It’s the eldership who decides not to stand in the way of allowing instruments of music in worship.

It’s the Christian school who starts questioning the inerrancy of Scripture.

We believed in them. We put a lot of trust in them. We placed much of ourselves in them.

But they let us down.

Being people who are tempted with the allure of evil, they are going to let us down at times.

That is not to say that we can never trust people in our whole lives. We can–and should–build trust with many people. A marriage cannot be truly successful without trust. Children are most secure when they trust their parents. Congregations are stable and will be successful when they can trust their elders and evangelists.

No matter how well-intentioned those people might be, however, they will let us down at times. They sin. Sometimes, they sin against us. It hurts, trust is harmed, and it will take some time to rebuild.

So, where can we go?

Let two Old Testament men of faith give you the answer.

David wrote, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).

Habakkuk said,

Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:17-18)

God is not absent. God is present. When others flee, He will not. He will never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

But above that, God never fails us. He is perfectly faithful. He is perfectly trustworthy. He is perfectly true to His promises. To say it in simple terms, He is the One thing you can believe in…


He will never let you down.

QUESTION: When have you seen God be present when a person let you down?


NOTE: This is the final post before our June email newsletter is sent out (Thursday morning). If you wish to be added to our free list (and receive a free ebook), sign up here. We will never spam you.

Photo credit: Vagawi on Creative Commons

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