
Thursday Hymn Reflection: “There’s a Rainbow in the Cloud”

[Each Thursday, we “reflect” on a hymn suggested by our readers. Our list is now down to less than 12 songs, so if you want your “in queue,” leave a comment with up to three suggestions and we’ll add them to our list for upcoming posts!]


Taking the picture of God’s promise to Noah and giving it a modern application, Alton Howard’s 1973 song “There’s a Rainbow in the Cloud” is a great song of faith and trust in God. While not sung in many parts of the country (as far as I can tell), the song has a similar message to many others hymns which show our faith in God due to His never-failing nature.

As Noah came off the ark, God placed a rainbow in the sky. That “bow” was a sign to Noah, and to the rest of mankind, that God would never destroy the world via water again. While God will destroy the world at the end of time, it will not be through the agency of water. Instead, fire will be used to consume everything we know as material.

There are times when floods still come. We in Nashville know that, for sure! But, as the waters rise, we can still trust God that these waters are not the end of time. He has never failed to keep a promise, and He will always remain faithful to His Word.

Howard’s song is classic in that its three verses move from the storms of life in verses 1 and 2, to the fact that our problems are just temporary in verse 3. Paul wrote that are afflictions are “momentary” (2 Corinthians 4:17), and once endured, lead to glory. That’s the whole point of Alton Howard’s great hymn.

Here are the words to the three verses, followed by the chorus:

As I journey here mid the toil and tears,

There’s a rainbow in cloud;

He will safely lead, I must have no fear,

There’s a rainbow in the cloud.

When the way seems dark and the night grows long,

There’s a rainbow in the cloud;

When my way grows drear and no friend seems near,

There’s a rainbow in the cloud.

When the storms all pass, comes a brighter day.

There’s a rainbow in the cloud;

In that City fair there’s a crown to wear,

There’s a rainbow in the cloud.

There’s a rainbow that is shining,

There’s a rainbow in the cloud;

When life’s race is run and the vict’ry’s won,

There’s a rainbow in the cloud.


Enjoy this clip from Jamaica of the hymn:


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