Family,  Recipies

Time for a Recipe!

I’ve been cleaning out my recipe stash in search of those that have special meaning to me. You know the ones – my mother’s handwriting, my mother-in-law’s handwriting, my daughter’s handwriting when she was a little girl, those from people I have known in the past. I’m getting rid of tons of recipes I have clipped out of magazines. They don’t have any special meaning. It has been time consuming, but lots of fun to reach back in that memory bank and remember great love shown by those who made these good dishes.

I came across one that I clipped from the local newspaper where I grew up. It had won a prize for the best salad, and was submitted by a woman named Linda Adams. I kept it because it was so delicious. I’m sharing it with you today because it’s a nice dish for a hot day, and because PTP begins this week and I don’t have time to think of anything else to write! I hope you enjoy it.


   1 can red beans

1 can mixed vegetables

1 package (8 oz.) Skroodle noodles

1 small jar pimentos

1 cup chopped bell peppers

½ cup chopped onions

½ cup chopped celery

1 and ½ tsp. celery seed

1 and ½ tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. butter

1 and ½ cups sugar (I use Stevia)

1 cup vinegar

3 tsp. flour

3 tsp. dry mustard

Cook noodles and drain

Add red beans and mixed vegetables (drained), bell peppers,

    celery, onion, and pimentos

Cook celery seed, salt, butter, sugar, vinegar, flour and dry

    mustard  until bubbly and thickened.

Pour over noodle mixture and mix. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight, and then enjoy!

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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