‘Tis the Season to…Slow Down!
Yesterday, we drove back from Alabama. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We did almost nothing for the few days (which was wonderful!), but we enjoyed some family time and lots of food.
As we drove back yesterday, we listened to some Christmas music. Then, last night, we put up the tree and several decorations.
Isn’t that the common theme of this time of year? There is so much to do that it seems like we never stop running. Most of it is fun, but the sheer volume of activities gets overwhelming.
May I remind us all to slow down just a bit?
I’m not saying that we need to avoid fun or that we need to cut out tons of things. My family enjoys lots of holiday traditions and they certainly keep us busy, but I’m suggesting something else.
Are we getting so busy with Christmas activities that we fail to remember God?
I feel the need to remind us all (myself included) that anything that gets in the way of God becomes an idol. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing that gets in the way of God. It could be something good. It could be something even as good as family that bumps God out of first priority.
So, can Christmas–and the flurry of activity that comes with it–become an idol? Of course it can, and if we are not careful and intentional, we will let it.
How can we avoid letting that happen? Here are 3 things to look at.
1. Check your daily spiritual routine. Has the bustle of the season caused you to skip your Bible reading or personal prayer time? If the answer is “yes,” there is no reason to even go any farther. You’re already seen that there is a problem!
2. Worship attendance. Is it really more important to get “that” item at “that” sale than to worship God? Is “that” party more important than praising the Creator?
3. Physical stamina. Are you truly exhausted? Are you finding yourself more readily feeling ill or just “blue?” It could be that you are simply too busy.
Those may sound simple, but we all know they are indicative of our overall spiritual health. Enjoy the season. Set aside time to go to parties, meals, parades, or just a drive around to see the lights. Have a blast with all the tradition.
But not to the detriment of what is most important: your relationship with the Father.
QUESTION: What else would you say needs to be “checked” to see if Christmas is becoming an idol in our lives?
Photo credit: Sarah G on Creative Commons
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