A Valentine’s Quiz for Husbands and Wives
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. (Guys, that was your cue to do some planning!) I asked Leah a few weeks ago if she would be my Valentine. Thankfully, she said yes. I am more thankful, though, that she is the type of lady who treats me like her valentine every day!
Since this holiday always brings about feelings of love and romance, I want to offer the following quiz for husbands and wives. This is a little test you can take more often, but it might help spark some truly important conversations during your Valentine’s Day date (you are having one, right?).
1. When is the last time you and your spouse went on a date that was not tied to a holiday? In other words, just because it was Thursday night! You had someone watch the kids and the two of you went out to eat, or to a park, or to a ball game or concert. And the sole purpose was to spend time together as a couple.
2. When is the last time you did something totally unexpected for your spouse that showed romance…with no strings attached? I probably got a lot of guys with that last little phrase. Did you buy her something? Did you take the kids away so he could watch Monday Night Football alone? Did you light some candles at dinner? Just….because.
3. When is the last time you talked about something that was important…not related to the children? In other words, when is the last time you had a meaningful conversation about your future, your finances, your spiritual maturity, your dreams, your fears, and didn’t say, “It’s like when our son……”?
4. When is the last time you flirted? Remember flirting? It’s when you batted your eyes at him. It’s when you told little inside jokes to her that only she would giggle at. When is the last time you did that?
5. When is the last time you held hands for no reason? You were at the mall (or, in our case, Wal-Mart) and your hands “just happened” to meet. In years’ past, you would have grabbed on. Have you done that lately?
6. FOR HUSBANDS: How long has it been since you really showed manners to your wife? Do you still open the door? Do you still help with household tasks? Do you still say “please” and “thank you”? Do you still hold her coat up and help her put it on?
7. FOR WIVES: How long has it been since you initiated sexual intimacy? I know, stereotype! But this part of marriage is important, too, and it means so much to guys when their wife is interested in it and it means even more when she makes “the first move.”
8. How long has it been since you prayed together as a couple, and not at mealtime? I wish this one didn’t have to be on the quiz, but it needs to be! Couples need to pray together. (Leah…I’m working on it!)
9. How long has it been since you talked deeply about finances together and were forced to make a hard or large decision concerning money? When you agree that this money is going to this account, or that we are going to give more, or that we are going to sell “that” … you’ll be amazed at how it opens up other lines of communication.
10. Finally, how long has it been since you said “I love you” more than once in a day to your spouse? Say it often. It would be tragic if those words were not the last ones you heard your spouse say.
How did you do? Enjoy Valentine’s Day!
….and Leah, thanks for being my Valentine every day!!!
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