
Watching Her Breathe

She was (and is) the one with whom I hope to spend the rest of my life. From those earlier times when it was a new experience until now when it never grows old, watching her breathe means, among other things, commitment. It means that home is wherever the two of us happen to be.

She was our firstborn. We had prayed for her to be healthy and God had graciously blessed us with a positive answer to that prayer. He also did that later when her brother was born. Watching her (and her brother) breathe and sleep was such a joy. It meant that these two precious souls felt contentment. It meant that our family had grown and that, at least to them, home was wherever mommy and daddy were.

She was our last remaining parent. Both of my parents and Donna’s father had preceded her in death. I remember sitting in her room and watching her breathe. I remember realizing that that experience would not last long. I remember that last breath. As her physical health declined, she talked more and more about going home. It became more and more apparent that she was talking about an eternal home.

While I cannot say that this experience was as pleasant as the others, there was still something very positive about it. For years, she had been a faithful member of God’s family. Because of that, the members of her earthly family knew that she had an eternal home waiting for her. We had no doubt about that fact that, in His own time, her Father would welcome her home. Her sleep was a sleep of security.

She was/is our first granddaughter. There were some very special circumstances associated with her birth. We marveled at how God worked through those circumstances and blessed us with a special addition to our family. While we watched her (and all of our grandchildren) breathe in a crib or in the arms of a family member, we had thoughts of a future for her (them) and for our family – even when we may not be around to see how that future “plays out.” Her sleep reminded us that home is more about relationships than it is about a location.

Four special people

Four types of sleep

One earnest prayer

The earnest prayer is that God will help the one who is writing these words and those who may read them to be committed to Him and His Word; content with the blessings He has bestowed; secure in our relationship with Him; and looking forward to a future with Him and with the faithful of all the ages.  

In short, it is my prayer that we all make it home.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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