Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

“We are a _________ Family”

I’ve read it on social media more times than I can count. I have had people introduce themselves to me using it.

It’s when they try to describe their family and they fill in the blank with something of this world, and it is typically an activity of their children.

“We are a softball family.”

“We are a theater family.”

“We are a soccer family.”

“We are an academic family.”

“We are a football family.”

“We are a band family.”

And, yes, I have had people who were followers of Jesus introduce themselves to me that way. Before I even knew the names of all the family members, they had filled in that blank. Their identity as a family was made abundantly clear.

Why do people do this? Better question: why would followers of Jesus do this?

And what are we teaching our precious children is most important when we identify our family primarily with these things?

If we are followers of Jesus, we are a Christian family. That is what should fill in that blank. That is primary. That is the identity that informs all other decisions for our family.

For example: Is it okay for a kid to play football. Sure! So long as it does not take away from the family’s primary goal of following Jesus. So, if we are a football family, church activities and time studying the Bible will take a backseat to that identity. But if we are a Christian family, football will only be a small part of our lives, and, when there is a conflict, the Lord and His Church will win.

Why? Because our identity as a family is a Christian family.

Think about your family. Honestly, how would you fill in that blank? The honest answer to that question could very well be the direction your family is heading: either walking fully with the Lord, or putting barriers in the path of that walk by whatever fills in the blank.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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