Be the Weird Husband
Men, this post is for you, and it comes from the heart of a man who is not afraid to say: “I’m weird.” (Many of you just audibly said, “Amen.”)
What’s more is that I’m proud to be weird, but I also know I need to be weirder.
You see, “normal” for husbands is a man who works hard on the job but not at home. Normal is a husband who expects sex without romance. A normal husband can’t keep his eyes and desires always on his wife. A normal husband spends more time on the couch with the remote than with the Bible.
It’s no wonder women are tired of normal!
Husbands, be weird.
Put your eyes on your wife and keep them there. When an attractive woman walks by, bounce your eyes back to your beautiful bride. Remember the words of affirmation you used to give your wife? Use them again. Romance your wife with non-sexual touches, with gifts, and with words that build her up. Remember: real men cook (or, at least, know where the restaurants in town are!).
In other words, work at your marriage. Work hard at it.
I don’t want to be 60 or 70 years old and content. I want to be 60 or 70 and still madly in love with Leah. I want to still be learning new things about her, and I want her to still think I am “the” guy. I still have a long, long, long way to go as a husband, but normal is bored and always looking somewhere else, and I don’t want to be normal!
Today, husbands, make the decision to go against the flow of society. Be weird, and enjoy all the wonderful rewards that come with it.
Photo credit: Caitlinator on creative commons
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