Church Life,  Family

Whatever Happened To…

I am indebted to Josh Robinson for planting the thought in my mind that is prompting me to write these words. I heard him speak in September of last year at PTP Spark in Arnold, Missouri. I don’t remember the exact words that Josh used in his lesson, but I’m still thinking about the question he raised.  

During the course of his presentation, he challenged all of us (at least he challenged me) to think about some things that used to be regularly presented in a very negative light from pulpits, in Bible classrooms, and in the homes of Christians. He had some specific things in mind when he asked, “Whatever happened to…?”

As I remember it, some of the questions he asked had to do with what might be called doctrinal positions. Even when doctrinal matters were discussed though, they were not treated as “debate points” or the stuff of intellectual exercises.  

The focus of this particular section of Josh’s presentation was on personal behavior, morality, and things of that nature. He was reminding us of things that were, at one time, frowned upon, preached against, and not practiced or taught by those who took their relationship with the Lord seriously.  

I invite you to make your own list of  whatever happened to’s…  How long is your list of things that used to be (to say the least) “out of favor,” but which are now either never mentioned or openly promoted and celebrated? Can you think of any lifestyles, activities, or ideas that would be on that list?  

Can you think of anything that might not be explicitly condemned in scripture, but used to be presented as warnings earlier in years by those who were interested in souls more than they were in being popular or getting along. Have you ever been criticized for being “out of touch,” “an old fogey,” and/or “a dinosaur”? 

I guess that it would be entertaining for us to get together and compare our lists. I’m not thinking so much about entertainment, though. I’m hoping to challenge your thinking as much as my thinking has been challenged. After you make your list, you might want to grapple with the following questions and maybe some other ones you can think of.

  • Were the people wrong who were warning us a few years ago?
  • Are the people wrong who are ignoring certain actions, attitudes, and behaviors now?
  • Does morality depend upon what is accepted by society or upon God’s standards?
  • Do God’s standards change?
  • Is the Bible timeless or is it a “dead letter?”

The ultimate whatever happened to…  may have been popularized when those who listened to a song were encouraged to…

Imagine there’s no heaven.  It’s easy if you try.

No hell below us – above us only sky.

If the words of that song are true, I guess that it really doesn’t matter what is taught or how we live our lives. If, however, John Lennon was wrong (and he was), that changes everything.  

It seems to me that all of us would be wise to not rely on the shifting sands of public opinion, standards of society, and/or the philosophies promoted by intellectual elites. Instead, we need to listen to and apply the teachings of the One who said:

The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge;

the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. (John 12:48, ESV)

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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