Church Life

When No One Was Looking

Integrity has been defined as “who you are when no one is looking.” Often, we use that definition to talk about avoiding sin just because you are alone. The common follow-up line is to remind people that we are never truly alone, because God is always present and sees everything.

There are two sides to this, though. It’s not just what you avoid doing, it is what you actually do.

Many people are doing amazing things when no one is really looking. They are people of integrity because they realize that they are always in the view of God and they want to redeem every moment, even the quiet and solitary moments, for the Lord. They want to glorify the Lord and shine His light even if they stand alone.


Today’s post is a tribute to you.

When no one was looking, you went to THAT website. You know the one. You were all alone and you stayed on it for a long time while everyone else slept. In that moment, you graded those tests from World Bible School and emailed your students.

When no one was looking, you sent THAT text message. Everyone else’s eyes were fixated on the television, so you quietly slipped your phone into your hand and sent that short message. It was the one where you told your child’s Bible school teacher “Thank you.”

When no one was looking, you went into THAT store. Not a lot of people go there, but you parked around on the side and walked in. When you came out, you had ordered the flowers for that lady who was now a widow, so that she would have a pretty arrangement at her beloved’s funeral.

When no one was looking, you typed out THAT email. It was on that “other” email account…the one very few people know about. You edited it because you wanted to be sure it said just what would work. Then you hit “send,” and a missionary received your private donation to help with the work.

When no one was looking, you crept into THAT place. You weren’t sure you should be there, but you went anyway. After a few minutes, you felt okay with it, because that prisoner now had someone he could talk to about his soul.

When no one was looking, you wrote THAT Facebook message. It was the one to your old flame in high school, whom you haven’t seen in years. While you were nervous, you sent it anyway, apologizing for not talking about the most important thing–Jesus–when you were dating in high school.

When no one was looking, you proved your integrity.

Keep it up, because Someone is looking.

QUESTION: What is something that someone has done to help you when “no one” was looking?


Photo credit: Juventina on Creative Commons

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