Church Life

You Find What You are Looking For

I recently got to spend some unexpected one-on-one time with my middle child while he was in a rare talkative mood. I heard a lot about Star Wars, Harry Potter, and certain musical aspects of the Sonic video games. However, my favorite part was when he got around to telling me about connections he has made in his Bible study.

You see, Daniel looks for connections in his study. In fact, I think he already has an idea for a pretty amazing study book at the ripe old age of 16. If you know him, you know he loves the Old Testament books that detail the lives of the kings. He knows the differences in the accounts found in Kings and Chronicles. As he matures, he is beginning to branch out and study other parts of the Bible more deeply. That’s where the magic happens. He combines what he already knows so well with the new knowledge and finds practical applications from seemingly unrelated passages for his daily life.

I am proud of Daniel, but that is not the sole purpose of this post. I want you to see the process. You have to have spent time in study to add to your depth of knowledge and then make the application to your own life. You have to be looking with an attitude of “how can I be better after I study this than I am now?” You have to be curious but then you have to take that farther: you have to want to please God.

If you are looking to answer questions, the Bible will do that for you. If you are looking for comfort, it is there. If you are needing courage for a task, you will find that in God’s Word. After all, all Scripture comes from God and is “profitable” (2 Tim. 3:16). However, if you, like my son Daniel, want to get the ultimate reward from your Bible study, you have to dig deeper, make the connections and see God’s wonderful plan the way He designed it – with you in mind from the kings of old to life eternal offered only through Jesus.  

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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