Church Life,  Family

Your Face Says It

Have you noticed how many people aren’t smiling these days? Everywhere I look, lots of people are walking around with a sad, straight, or frowning face. Now, I realize that smiling all the time would seem kind of weird, but when in a crowd of people, shouldn’t we at least try to smile at those with whom we establish eye contact? 

Thinking about this reminded me of a conversation I had with my mother near the end of her life. She was living in an assisted living home near me, and I was able to visit her every day. As she became more and more feeble, she began to talk about why she was still here on earth. She asked me this question: “What have I failed to do that is keeping me from going home to God?” You see, she felt useless because she had always been a worker. She had been a homemaker, wife, mother to two children, surgical nurse, caregiver for her mother-in-law, sewed our clothes, and the list could go on and on. 

She was feeling like she had no reason to live, so I came up with an answer for her about why God was leaving her here on earth. I asked her if she had ever noticed that so many of the people who came through the doors of that assisted living home to visit seemed sad, tired, stressed, or a combination of all of those. Then I talked to her about the beautiful smile she had and how desperately it was needed by those around her. I told her I wasn’t sure, but God had a reason. It could be that because of her beautiful smile, God was leaving her here to be a greeter at that home. She liked the sound of that, so she began to sit up in the lobby and welcome those who came through that door with her big smile. For a short while longer she had a reason to live.

As life goes on in this crazy world where we are surrounded by negative things, shouldn’t we as Christians try to be different from the world. I think I’ve read that somewhere (Romans 12:2; Phil. 2:15; Matt. 5:16).

What does your face say to those with whom you come in contact? Do they see the joy and peace you have in life? Can they see the light of God’s love shining through your eyes? Do you show the confidence you have in being a child of God? Your face says it…but, as usual, God’s word says it best:

“A glad heart makes a cheerful face…” (Proverbs 15:13).

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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