
10 Things I'm Very Thankful For

We are often told to “count our blessings,” and the Thanksgiving holiday is a great time to really do that. None of us could ever list every single thing with which God has blessed us, but we can all think of a few things that are most important.

This list is not comprehensive, but let me share a few things for which I’m thankful. Maybe this will help you get your list started.

1. I’m thankful that Jesus died on the cross in fulfillment of God’s plan. Our God truly is loving, and that love was demonstrated on Calvary. Though He wished for the “cup to pass,” Jesus still went to the cross. Without that sacrifice, we would have no hope, no message, no joy, and no purpose. This is the ultimate thing for which to be thankful.

2. I’m thankful for Leah. What an inspiritation she is to me! Leah is a true Christian lady, and I’m thankful I can use both of those words to describe her. She runs circles around me in parenting and how to be a spouse, and she puts up with my many, many, many faults. God was too good to me by bringing her into my life.

3. I’m thankful to be Mary Carol and Turner’s daddy. One is adopted; the other isn’t. One is a girl; one a boy. They are as different as night and day, but they are both daddy’s special kids. My “precious” and my “buddy” are so wonderful to me. I need to be a better dad for them, but I’m thankful that God placed them in my care.

4. I’m thankful for my physical family. What wonderful parents God blessed me with. It saddens me to think of countless children who are not raised with Jesus as the focus of the home. My sister is another Christian lady, and she puts me to shame with how much she cares for other people. A Christian home is a blessing, and God allowed me to grow up in one. He’s so good!

5. I’m thankful that Leah has a Christian family. When our families get together, it’s like we’ve known each other our whole lives! Her parents are devoutly faithful, and her brother and sister are great examples, too. It’s so nice that our families have that in common and that it helped mold the wonderful lady I married. It’s wonderful for our children, too, as they see Christians no matter who we are around!

6. I’m thankful for the Lebanon Road church of Christ. After 6 1/2 years with the 9th Avenue church of Christ in Haleyville, I didn’t know if we could find a place that was as faithful and devoted to the Lord. We did! God helped us find a congregation that loves the Lord and His Word, and we are the better for it. It is a daily breath of fresh air to read emails, have conversations, and visit with folks from Lebanon Road, because they stand on God’s Word and are a wonderful family of His people. May He be glorified by our work!

7. I’m thankful for my health. No person is perfect in health, and that is true of me. I have little issues here-and-there, but God has blessed me with the ability to monitor and take care of these issues in fairly simple ways. From the ability to see, taste, and hear to the ability to run, jump, and play with the kids, He is again too good to me.

8. I’m thankful for worship. God could have just given us a huge rule book and never allowed us to praise Him. I’m thankful that He teaches us to come together and glorify Him in song, study, reading, eating the Lord’s Supper, giving, and prayer. May every Christian see this as a privilege and something for which to be thankful.

9. I’m thankful for life-long friends and mentors. Those who do not preach have no idea how hard it is to really have deep friendships that develop over time, but I’m grateful those–preachers and non-preachers alike–who I can call my friends and mentors. They shape me in ways they may never understand and they allow me to do things other than “preachery” stuff sometimes (like rant about the BCS needing to allow TCU to play in the title game!).

10. I’m thankful for where and when I live. I love living in the age of technology and I love using it. I’m thankful that God has blessed us with the ability to communicate in a myriad of ways and that He allows us the ability to travel easily. While our nation has some great difficulties, there is nowhere else (and no other time) I’d rather live.


What would you add?
