
Friday Links Roundup: espn360 Edition

We don’t have TV anymore, but I am still getting to see a little bit of basketball. We love espn360.com.  Okay, I love espn360.com, and Leah admits that she’s glad I’m getting to see some college basketball, as well. In fact, on most days, there are more choices on there than on TV. I’ve already seen at least a few minutes of over 20 teams play and with the Thanksgiving week tournaments coming, I’m looking forward to seeing more. (Here’s hoping for a classic soon between Duke and UConn in their preseason tournament!)

On to the links for this week:

1. Cindy Colley (welcome to the blog reader) writes a powerful piece on the effect of the media on our attitude toward sin. You’ll want to read and reread “Moral Anesthetics.”

2. We are in the process of appointing additional deacons at Lebanon Road, so any study of deacons means a lot to us right now. Matthew Morine writes a beautiful post called “Deacons that See the the Mission.”

3. Scott McCown gives a personal thought that would make a great sermon. Study and reflect for yourself on “Jesus Wants to Change…“.

4. Two posts this week that are wonderful reminders about the Bible. The first is brief, but one of the best I’ve read in some time. A college student who blogs at justBECCAuse (guess what her first name is?) writes about her time with God’s Word here.

5. Also, Jeff Jenkins shares a similar story about a young man who loves God’s Word. Enjoy “I Like to Read My Bible.”

We hope you like the Friday Links Roundup each week. We are grateful for all the amazing posts we read each day. I subscribe to over 100 feeds, so narrowing it down to around 5 posts each week is hard work. Please continue to use this medium for God’s work!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you worship God on His Day.
