13 Lessons Worth Learning

Some who read this will recognize the name of Ron Sandefer. I am honored to be able to refer to him as a friend and a brother in the Lord.
Ron is a serious, dedicated, and excellent student of God’s Word. On those occasions when Ron is in a worship service when I am preaching or a Bible class when I am teaching, I wonder why I am the one doing the preaching and/or teaching.
Recently, I had the privilege of being in one of his classes. During that class, he provided a handout that I am, with his permission, reproducing below. It is my prayer that it will be as helpful to you as it is to me.
Ron would be the first to tell anybody who cared to listen that his list is not intended to be exhaustive, perfect, or authoritative. In fact, as he distributed his list in class, he suggested that those of us who were receiving it might want to add some of our own material to the list; delete something; and/or edit his material in some way.
My suggestion would be that you take the time to read and consider his list. I think that you will find that exercise to be rewarding – especially as you study the word of God and seek to implement it in your own life.
1. By definition, God is always right.
2. We will face God one-on-one to give account.
3. The majority is almost always wrong.
4. Religious leaders must be scrutinized carefully against the measure of God’s word.
5. Good frequently loses in the short haul, but will always win in the long haul. We may not live long enough to see this.
6. Endurance – endurance – endurance! Hang on; get up when you fall; keep running the race.
7. Take stewardship seriously; God does. This includes money, time, effort, etc.
8. Have the guts to deal with the unpleasant.
9. Appreciate those who care enough about you to try to straighten you out.
10. Find an area of service and do it as well as you can.
11. Study God’s word.
12. Give God your best.
13. The system is perfect; we people are not! We will disappoint; God will not.
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn