5 Reasons Why I Blog
Today on The Ministry Geek podcast, the topic was if minsters should blog, and if so, why. As I listened, it reminded me of the roots of this blog. It started as, in many ways, a random set of posts with no real focus. Over the years, this site has changed several times, and has settled into a pattern of topics and subjects that I hope you enjoy. They are what are important to me.
But why do I do this? There are so many other things to do, so why take the time each week to post 2,3,4, or even 5 posts? Here are the reasons why I do this.
1. It Is a Teaching Tool. While not every post is teaching in nature, most have teaching at their heart. I want people to learn about the Bible and about Christian living, so this site is a way to present things that teach more about that.
2. It Is Enjoyable. I’ll be honest: I like blogging. While writer’s block is real at times, knowing that people will read what is put out there keeps me do it. If you don’t enjoy writing, blogging is probably not for you. But, if you enjoy sharing your thoughts in written form, blogging is a great way to put those out there.
3. The “Reach” is Amazing. I don’t follow my “analytics” at all. The only tracking I have is the counter and Facebook “like” button on the right-hand side. I don’t look up how many people follow on rss feeds, although at time I’d like to know that. But I meet people often who have read my blog, or have referred someone to an article there. That’s amazing. The internet provides a way to share the truth worldwide.
4. It Is an Outlet. I “take in” tons of information each day. From reading, studying, and listening, I am constantly taking in information. Blogging provides a way to let out some of that information. It also provides a way to do some fun things that are part of my life. Not everything on this site is serious, so it is fun to have an outlet for those fun things, too. And we are planning more of our fun lists for the future.
5. It Pulls Back the Curtain. While I don’t blog often about extremely personal issues, I do try to pull back the curtain about my life and our family’s life, too. I feel that I can be a little more personal on this site than just having cold, formal articles. I think that’s one of the beauties of blogging, is that you get to know the author.
There are 5 reasons. No, one is not “to make money.” When you make about $3 or $4 a month, it’s obvious that “getting rich” is not a reason. (Although, if you’ll click on the ads on the right-hand side, we’ll make, oh, I don’t know, a nickel or so!)
I am thankful that you read the blog. It is a labor of love, and I pray that it continues to be helpful to you. Please spread the word!