
8 Questions I'd Like to Ask

I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend time with faithful Christians, and especially those who preach. Jeff Jenkins is in the middle of a weekly series on his blog where he shares some thoughts from preachers he knows. Find his blog here.

One of the great treats that I, personally, get to enjoy is interviewing preachers on iPreach. Young and old, these preachers give me encouragement and help me see that preaching really is a great way to live!

However, there are some preachers I only know by “legacy.” They passed on before I could interact with them. I’ll never know them except through books, online sermons, and stories told by others. Here are some questions I’d like to ask those preachers if I had the chance.

1. for N.B. Hardeman: “You are well-known for your Tabernacle Sermons preached in Nashville. How does it make you feel to know that, through books, these sermons are still being preached? Which was your favorite?”

2. for Gus Nichols: “What would you say is the greatest thing a young preacher can do to stay with one local congregation for many years?”

3. for Guy N. Woods: “If you could preach a sermon on one text, what would you preach?”

4. for Alexander Campbell: “Does it hurt you to know that those who are members of the church of Christ are sometimes refered to as ‘Campbellites’?”

5. for Marshall Keeble: “What can we do to stop the seeming lack of evangelistic fire in the church?”

6. for Burton Coffman: “What is the mainstay of staying faithful for a lifetime?”

7. for J.W. McGarvey: “What would you say are the tools a young preacher needs to develop to truly analyze a text?”

8. for David Lipscomb: “What can a preacher do to be loving and bold at the same time?”

Obviously, there is nothing “deep” about these questions, but I would love to ask them, then just hear these men answer for hour after hour.

What questions would you ask and of whom?
