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A Master Grocery List for Busy Moms {Free Printable}

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On A Legacy of Faith, we want to help families, and one of our goals is to help families “survive the day.” Today, I have something to help with that.

As a wife and mother, I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and one of those responsibilities is making sure supper gets on the table every night. It is something that I am trying to take more seriously. 

You know as well as I do that getting supper on the table every night actually begins with a menu plan and a good grocery list. Maybe it’s just me, but more often than not, I have the kids with me at the store. Usually, I have tried to jot down a few things that I know that we are out of. We walk down the aisles and put things into the buggy.

Then we walk back down the aisles to get all of the things that I suddenly remembered are not on my list.

After we finally get home, of course, I remember one or two or three things that I need (possibly even for supper that night). 

The problem is that I never want to take the time to make a grocery list. There, I admitted it. I am so impatient that when it is time to go the store, I just don’t want to wait and take the time to make a list, so I decide to just go on to the store and “wing” it.

Then, it never fails, I have forgotten something. I know I could make a list ahead of time–the night before perhaps–but (I’ll make another admission here) I am a procrastinator so, of course, I don’t make a list until the last possible moment.

To help remedy this recurring problem, I decided that having a “master grocery list” would help me survive the day. I just thought of everything that I ever buy at the grocery store. I tried to group the items by categories that made sense to the layout of the store in which I buy most of my groceries. Every family’s master grocery list would look different, but I made mine tailored to my family and the way we eat. I am sure that it will change over time as we discover new favorite foods and meals, and I may notice that I forgot to add things to mine.

I understand that some people may not think that things like this are a big deal, but I am one of those women who take this role seriously, and I am always looking for ways to help me be more efficient. I really think this will help me manage my home, and I hope that it helps bring more order into our home.

I hope this simple thing will help your family. You can click on the image below to view/download my list, or just use it as inspiration to create your own. Enjoy…and happy (organized) shopping!

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(Keep in mind, we do not purchase everything on this list every week. This is meant to give us a guide to the things we try to always have on hand in our home.)


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AUTHOR: Leah Faughn

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