Bible study

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    What I Learned from “Margin Notes”

    Three years ago, as a way to have some type of class on Wednesday nights during covid, I borrowed an idea from Steve Higginbotham. For about 20-25 minutes, I shared some random notes from the margin of my Bible and an explanation of each one. Several said they appreciated these videos, which was a great encouragement. So, when we started having our regular classes again, I decided to continue “Margin Notes” as a series. However, instead of random notes (one from here and one from there), I decided to work through books of the Bible. For three years now, we have released a video every two weeks (with only a…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    3 Motivations from VBS

    As this is being published, we are nearing the end of VBS 2023. Months of preparation pays off in a week that always seems to fly by. The amount of prayer, planning, and work that it takes to make a Vacation Bible School a success is tremendous. For many churches, though, VBS is just a “thing” they do because they have always done it. While it takes a lot of effort, it just kind of happens and then is forgotten until a few weeks or so before that usual time slot on the calendar starts drawing near the next year. But even then, there can be excitement that comes when…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    Three Little Letters

    Recently, millions of people were probably watching at least a portion of all of the pageantry that was involved in the coronation of the new monarch of the United Kingdom (and 14 other Commonwealth realms). It is sort of interesting for me to watch a person who is only a couple of months or so younger than I am starting a new career! When I began thinking about this post, I thought about trying to list all of the titles that King Charles III now has. I finally gave up. I was unable to separate official titles from other designations. I do remember, though, that there was some concern before he…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    Graduation Season

    It is that time of year: Caps and gowns. Pomp and Circumstance. Moms crying and kids celebrating. From the youngest preschooler “graduating” to the formal degrees bestowed upon candidates, it is a season of change. This is on my mind this week as my oldest, Luke, graduates with his bachelor’s degree from Freed-Hardeman University. I thought my four years at FHU flew by but that was nothing compared to how fast his have gone. He is ready for the next chapter while I am wondering how I am possibly old enough to have a child graduating from my alma mater! I decided to see what the Bible has to say…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Family

    When Your World is Spinning

    Have you ever felt like you were in the middle of a whirlwind? You know what I mean – everything is spinning out of control and you feel like each day gets busier than the last one. With so much going on and only a limited amount of time to get it all done, you may want to just stop the train you’re on and get off at the relaxation station! I’ve felt that way lately. I try to plan my days so I can accomplish what I need to get done that day.  Sometimes I make written lists and check them off so, at least, I feel like I…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    When “Googled” Becomes “Taped”

    It doesn’t take long in our world for something to become obsolete. I’m old enough to remember when my parents got their first television. I thought it was wonderful. The three of us could sit in front of a fairly large piece of furniture and watch comedies, westerns, sports, news, etc. in “living black and white” as long as the antenna was working properly. Back then I never dreamed that I’d ever have a color television that I could hang on a wall and have my choice of what to watch on more than three channels. It never occurred to me back then that I could choose the channel I wanted to watch, find that…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Parenting

    A Case for the Paper Bible

    First things first: I am not anti-electronic Bible. In fact, I know people who basically must use one if they are going to be able to read the text. A lot of older people with failing eyesight have been blessed by being able to blow up the font size on a tablet to very large sizes so they can continue to read God’s wonderful Word. I use an electronic Bible from time-to-time in special situations. So this is not an article meant to say “don’t ever use one of those techy things.” However… I do want to encourage the vast majority of us–especially parents–to use old-fashioned paper Bibles far more…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    Older Women to Younger Women

    I know some of the younger women are so tired of hearing it! “Older women are to…train the younger women…” (Titus 2:3-4). It’s true because we read it in the inspired word of God. It is also true that some of the older women are tired of hearing it too! It’s a huge responsibility to take on teaching those who are younger than you. I have watched and dealt with this conflict for many of my years as a Bible class teacher for teen girls and ladies. Somewhere along the line a disconnect has occurred. Let me share some of my thoughts on this topic: While we usually go to…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    A Thought on Biblical Assumptions

    There are places in the Bible where the text leaves part of a story untold. We are left to think of some of the details and fill in some gaps as to why certain things happened the way they did. However, sometimes people assume something and “everyone” agrees on it, but then they don’t think about it anymore. And…it’s possible those assumptions may not be true. Let me give you an example I was thinking about recently. In Esther 6:1, we are told that the king, Ahasuerus, could not sleep. The Hebrew is an idiom that basically says that sleep fled away from him. If you are familiar with this…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    A Christian Response to Transgenderism [Video]

    A couple of weeks ago, I preached a sermon dealing with the difficult subject of transgenderism. The topic had been requested by several people of various ages, so I decided to tackle it. Today, for my “article,” I’m simply sharing the video of the sermon. You can watch it below, or click here to watch it on YouTube. If the “timer” is not working, the sermon begins at the 21:20 mark of the video.