Church Life
Post-Truth: Can I Be Sure about the 2016 Word of the Year?
I listened in disbelief. This latest news couldn’t possibly be true – could it? I did a little research. Apparently, it is true. At least I think it is true. It has been reported as true. I’m still wondering, though, if it truly is true. Here’s the headline that I found on the website of The Washington Post: ‘Post-truth’ named 2016 word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries Post-truth? What in the world is that? Thankfully, the website provided this information: The dictionary defines “post-truth” as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” So – facts and objective truths…
He Knows
It happened to me again. I reread a familiar passage and something new jumped out at me. To me, that’s proof that the Bible comes from a Divine Creator. Who else could craft a book where people who are reading for the first time can understand it yet is complicated enough to reveal treasures of wisdom throughout lifetimes? But that thought is for another day. Today I want to share what jumped out at me. I was reading from Luke 22. I had read about Peter’s denials and how the Lord turned and looked at Peter. In the next 3 verses, I read: Now the men who were holding Jesus…
What to Do When Someone Else Gets What You Wanted
Everyone has had it happen, and it hurts. It is when you worked for something, you put yourself out there, and someone else was chosen for what you wanted. You applied for your dream job…but were passed over. You wanted to get into that graduate school…but you didn’t make the cut. You sought a promotion…but someone else got it. You tried out for the team…and were left to be in the stands instead of on the bench. We know the feeling. It is painful–because we wanted it so much–to be told “no,” or even possibly, “you’re not good enough.” (By the way, as an aside, I have often wondered about the…
Informing, Not Enforcing: Some Thoughts about The Salvation Army
I fully realized that this may be one of my most controversial contributions to A Legacy of Faith. I have no interest in enforcing my practices or the practices of my family on anybody else. I would not presume to do so, even if I thought I had that right. A few weeks ago, while I was out doing some visiting, I drove by the local Salvation Army building. I took the time to stop and take a picture (which is reproduced below). I am doing this for one reason – and one reason only. I believe that there are many good people who donate to and/or buy from this organization without realizing that…
Our 2016 Holiday Gift Guide
In past years, we have released a couple of gift guides that were very random (one year, we even included a toy car-making machine!). This year’s gift guide is meant to be more focused, as most of the ideas listed below are meant to instill the Word of God in the hearts of your family. A couple of things are for more specific groups of people, but we hope you find everything below to be helpful in learning God’s Word. [Disclaimer: Any links below that take you to Amazon are affiliate links. All other links are not affiliate links.] Polishing the Pulpit Flash Drives. In past years, Polishing the Pulpit has…
You Don’t Have to be Famous to Have True Influence
In the past 9 days, I have spoken at two funerals. The two services were for two ladies who meant a lot to me. One was in Nashville, and the other in Haleyville. It was a high honor to be asked to speak at each of the services, and in reflecting on the lives of these ladies, I was reminded of a powerful principle that every Christian needs to have in mind throughout our life. See, unless you were near to these ladies, you probably would not have known of their passing. Their deaths did not make national news. No radio talk show is going to talk for hours about…
Have You Said That You Were Sorry?
This past weekend I received a random text from a number that my phone did not recognize. Here’s what it said, “I’m sorry for everything that happened. I just wanted to wish you and your family a happy holiday season.” This text message literally took my breath away. Who was it from? To what were they referring? I immediately tried to think about anything that had happened that was bad over the last several years. Fortunately, I could not come up with anything I personally had done to hurt someone that was so significant that I would have to have a conversation about it. As I learned of who had…
Thanksgiving…For the Wrong Reasons
It is not an original idea to suggest that thanksgiving should be much more than a holiday. All people would be much better off and the world would be a much better place if an “attitude of gratitude” would be the norm. This should especially be true of a person who wears the name of Christ and is truly trying to follow Him. As I was thinking about the upcoming holiday and, more importantly, about the mindset that should be ours, my mind went to a passage where gratitude was expressed. It was even expressed to God. Sadly, however, it was expressed for all of the wrong reasons. The passage that came to…
Make Baptisms Special Moments
[Disclaimer: The “idea credit” for this post goes to David Shannon. At Polishing the Pulpit 2016, he spoke on a very similar topic as this post, and the concepts have been rolling around in my mind ever since.] Someone steps out into the aisle during the invitation song. This is the moment of their decision to put Christ on in baptism. Eternity is changed for that person. The old passes away in those waters, and a new creation comes forth, cleansed by the blood of Jesus. And, as they go to a small room to dry off, someone gets up into the pulpit and announces, “Don’t forget to bring some…
Investing for Evangelism and Edification
At about this time of year or earlier, leaders in various congregations are involved in working on a budget for the next year. What “line items” would you include for us? How much should be budgeted for each one? What about your own individual or family budget? It seems to me that there is a tendency to begin thinking that evangelism and/or edification is merely a matter of making the right purchases (or as good salespeople like to say – “investments”). A particular speaker, book, seminar, DVD series, etc. would be just what is needed. If we just “invest” wisely, we will experience tremendous growth in numbers and in our individual and collective spirituality –…