Church Life
Why I Read the “Acknowledgements” in Books
I read a good number of books and really enjoy reading history volumes and biographies. And, yes, I am one of “those” people who actually take the time to read the Acknowledgement page(s), which is often filled with names of people I don’t know and sometimes even inside jokes. Why do I take the time to read what most people find boring in those pages? It is because those pages remind me of a few important things that I need to remember, even in my spiritual walk. Nothing Good is Done without Help. Those long books may have one main author, but that author recognizes that it took a great…
The Scar on My Finger
I guess I thought it was a good idea at the time. I really don’t know. It has been a long time ago. All I know about the timing of the event is that I’ve seen a picture of me as a very young boy that shows the evidence of my decision/action. The photographer apparently thought that it would be a good idea to let the little guy pose with a ball in his hands. If you look at his hands, you can easily see the evidence of that decision I’d made earlier. There is a very visible scar on the index finger of his left hand. That evidence is still there, but it is…
What to Do When Problems Keep Coming Back
If your family is anything like ours, a bug inside the house is basically the call for an all-out assault on the insect world. If the bug happens to be something dangerous (wasp, bee, etc.), things get really interesting. But, usually, it is just one or two bugs, and we can take care of them. Can you imagine what it would be like for your house to be infested with bees? A woman in Houston, Texas recently had to have professionals remove an estimated 70,000-80,000 bees from her house! Even more amazing, the bees have been a recurring problem for the nearly 40 years she has lived in that house.…
Another Reason Why We Need Jesus
If you know anything about what is true, you know why you were created, who created you, and the solution to the sin problem. If you are a Christian, you have obeyed the gospel, having heard the word of God, believed on it, and having repented of your sins, you were washed in the blood of Christ upon your confession in His name. You know the main reason why you need Jesus. He said it Himself – “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me” (John 14:6). We are all sinners. We all need Jesus. That’s why He went to…
I’ve been reading recently about a condition that has some destructive effects on individuals and our relationships. A number of tests have found it to have the following negative impacts: panic attack shortness of breath dizziness trembling sweating accelerated heart rate chest pain nausea neck, wrist, and elbow pain This addiction can also lead to one or more of the following issues: lack of concentration alienation from family and friends decreased productivity moodiness loss of sleep increased risk of injury or death from automobile accidents and other types of accidents While there are drugs and other substances we ingest that pose great risks to us, this problem is not linked to…
Episode 105: Teaching Kids that the Bible is Truth [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Children need to know that the Bible is not just a “storybook,” but that it contains the Truth. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah discuss the importance of teaching this to children, and share some tips to make sure we are instilling this into kids. Resource “The Real World” [Charlene Notgrass] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
I Pledge Allegiance…
I like to think of myself as an American patriot. Obviously, I don’t agree with every decision that is made by our country’s leaders, but I do still take a great deal of pride in the nation I call home. The fact that 3 of my great-grandparents served directly in the Second World War has given me a lot to be proud of, especially in light of this week’s holiday. I am thankful for the nation that God chose to place me within and for the Christian principles that it was founded upon. Despite all this, I also realize that this country has flaws. Being a member of the post-millennial…
Little League Soccer and Leadership
I played soccer for a couple of years growing up. Considering I said I only played a couple of years, you can guess how successful I was. (I was terrrrrrrrrible). To this day, I don’t enjoy watching soccer very much. Whether or not you like soccer, though, I think you can pick up on this analogy. Picture in your mind very little kids on their first soccer team. The coach–who is exhausted from just trying to get the kids gathered up to start the game–is trying to yell out instructions and encouragement, but it’s useless. And you likely know why. If you have seen little kids play soccer at all,…
Ten Minutes
She is lonely. She has no family in our area. She is, in fact, estranged from her family who all live in another state. She is in a nursing home. She can be demanding. She has/is a soul. I was visiting with her recently. I was being reminded (again) that, at least as far as she is concerned, I do not visit her nearly often enough. During our conversation, she said something that I find difficult to get off my mind. She asked if I could encourage others from our congregation to visit with her. That’s not the part of the conversation that has stayed with me. In fact, in some ways I dismissed it fairly quickly…
44, That’s Me!
I had a birthday this week! I have no qualms (at least yet in life) about telling my age but Jeremiah took care of it for me this year. For those who didn’t see the video my husband used the other day to announce my new age to the world, you can find it here. The irony is, I had already planned to write this article based on that commercial! I was a fan of Icky back when he was performing his famous “Icky Shuffle” for touchdowns instead of cold cuts, so I love that commercial. But that is not why I wanted to write an article that mentioned it.…