Give Your Kids More Heroes Than Celebrities
We live in a celebrity culture. It seems that everyone wants the proverbial 15 minutes of fame. Attention spans are short, but the financial stakes of fame are still high, so people will do nearly anything to reach celebrity status. And, sadly, our culture eats it up. We care about the latest gossip from Hollywood. We tune in to watch our favorite singers and stars talk about themselves. We follow, retweet, like, and favorite nearly anything they produce on social media. But I want my children to understand the difference between celebrities and real heroes. Heroes may not get the wall-to-wall coverage, but they are the types of people I…
Are Women Really the “Weaker Vessel”?
It was by the Holy Spirit that the apostle Peter wrote, “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7). I am going to begin by responding to this passage of Scripture by saying something that is politically incorrect. Men and women are different. That’s right folks, you heard it here first. You are reading an article written by someone who still feels it is appropriate for men and women to use different public restrooms. God made men and women to be…
Grief: It’s Not Always “Textbook”
My friend, Ron Williams, recently posted the image below on Facebook. Ron and his twin brother, Don, have helped a lot of people who deal with grief. They have conducted seminars, written books and other materials, and have helped people in personal ways. Like most of us, grief is no stranger to them. They have lost people very, very close to them. I think that is why the image below made such an impact on me. While I’m not sure whether the image is original with either Ron or Don, it was posted by somebody I admire and who has both professional and very personal experience with grief. I’m not sure what message…
She Taught Us How to Die
The diagnosis wasn’t good. She had been having pain for quite some time (really for years), but this was different. Being in her nineties made most doctors relate the pain to her age. However, one particular doctor did some tests and the diagnosis was bad. Cancer…in several places…including her pancreas…and just a very short time to live. Now most people would have been devastated by that news, but not this lady. Her outlook was very optimistic! She let the doctor know that she had been waiting for this next trip she would be taking for a very long time. She didn’t want them to do a biopsy or any other tests…
A One-Step Process to Become a Superstar
At some point, almost everyone has dreamed of being a superstar. While very few people achieve celebrity fame, almost everyone has thought about it. And a whole lot of people really wish they could be famous. Today, I want to give you a simple one-step process to achieve superstardom. But, before I share it, I have to add one caveat; one disclaimer. This one step will not make you a world-wide phenomenon. This process won’t get your name in any newspaper or on the headlines of famous websites. You won’t get any interviews on TV or radio. You won’t be asked to write a book and go on a tour.…
What If They Walk Out?
This past Sunday something happened that no preacher ever wants to witness. Two people walked out of the building right in the middle of my sermon. I knew that it was a mother and daughter who were visiting. They came in just at the start of the service and I was across the building from them. So I did not have the opportunity to get their name or to find out what brought them to us or where they were going. All I know is that they partook of the Lord’s Supper, and in the middle of my sermon, at about 40 minutes past the hour, they walked out. I…
Over and Over
This post will be quite a bit shorter than most of the ones I write. There is a kind of “method to my madness” in doing that. Recently, I made an unsuccessful attempt to visit one of our elderly ladies who now resides in a nursing home. I later texted her daughter and found out where both of the ladies were at the time. I told her that I’d give it “the old college try” later. The daughter thanked me for my attempt and for the fact that I check on her mother from time to time. She also shared with me the following information: “She has received cards from some and it…
Those Careless Words
The Bible, from beginning to end, speaks regularly about the need to control our words. James 3 is a classic text that helps us know how difficult, but also how necessary, it is to control our words. Additionally, many of the Proverbs deal with our words. But Jesus Himself may have given the most direct and potent teaching on the use of our words. After He said, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34), He stated: “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by…
What about Worship on Vacation?
For two weeks my wife and children are/will be on fall break. During this time we typically take some type of vacation out of town. If you are like us, a part of your plan includes trying to figure out where you are going to worship on Sunday and what you will do for some type of mid-week Bible study. This set of circumstances begs the question, “What are the correct attitudes and practices concerning worship for Christians when they are temporarily away from home?” First of all, we need to educate ourselves on what God’s word reveals about our duties for worship. It should not take much study for…
Episode 128: Christian Scruples & Respect for Truly Spiritual Teachers Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In this episode of the podcast, Adam and Leah tackle a difficult question sent in by a listener about listening to contemporary Christian music, using it to talk more about teaching our kids about scruples. Then, they share some thoughts about how we often struggle to listen to truly spiritual teachers, instead too often looking at youth and exciting personality as the main thing. Resource “A Tale of Two Teachers” [Will Not be Taken] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe…