Who is the Greatest?
A little over a year ago, I published my first online post. Until very recently, I had not had any kind of social media (are we sure this guy is 17?), so until last year, I had never put anything of mine on the internet. Last June, though, I decided to make my first post. It was an article, like this one, and at the time I wrote it, I thought I was the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time – there’s the youth lingo). Since then, I have been taught that I was and am not. I already knew that, but events in my life in the past few months…
Episode 106: What Do Our Kids Hear Us Say about the Church? [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) What we say around our kids matters. What we say around them about the Church could matter eternally. This week on the podcast, Adam and Leah use an article by Neal Pollard to discuss how parents can make sure they are dealing with conversations about the church in a way that is uplifting and helpful. Resource “What are We Saying about the Church?” [Neal Pollard] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher…
Do You Know What Your Kids are Doing?
In the last few months in the United States, we have been bombarded with shootings at our schools. It even hit very close to home when there was a shooting at the Marshall County High School close to our home here in Paducah, Kentucky. Several were wounded and two young people lost their lives. I have listened to countless interviews with those who were affected by the shootings. I have watched as anxious parents grabbed their children and cried tears of joy when they realized that their child was not among those who were wounded or killed. One particular statement made by the parent of one of the shooters has haunted me in…
The Good Old Summertime
I love summer. The sun, the sleeping later, the reading, the yard work, the ability to be productive and still have some free time left in the day. I was reflecting on something today and realized one of the reasons I like summer so much. I was thinking about how much fun I had earlier laughing with my children. As I considered that, it led me to ask this question: “Do you all like me better in the summer?” The analytical one said something about not liking more or less dependent on the season. One said, “What? I don’t know. I mean I like you the whole year.” But, one…
What to Do When Problems Keep Coming Back
If your family is anything like ours, a bug inside the house is basically the call for an all-out assault on the insect world. If the bug happens to be something dangerous (wasp, bee, etc.), things get really interesting. But, usually, it is just one or two bugs, and we can take care of them. Can you imagine what it would be like for your house to be infested with bees? A woman in Houston, Texas recently had to have professionals remove an estimated 70,000-80,000 bees from her house! Even more amazing, the bees have been a recurring problem for the nearly 40 years she has lived in that house.…
Another Reason Why We Need Jesus
If you know anything about what is true, you know why you were created, who created you, and the solution to the sin problem. If you are a Christian, you have obeyed the gospel, having heard the word of God, believed on it, and having repented of your sins, you were washed in the blood of Christ upon your confession in His name. You know the main reason why you need Jesus. He said it Himself – “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me” (John 14:6). We are all sinners. We all need Jesus. That’s why He went to…
I’ve been reading recently about a condition that has some destructive effects on individuals and our relationships. A number of tests have found it to have the following negative impacts: panic attack shortness of breath dizziness trembling sweating accelerated heart rate chest pain nausea neck, wrist, and elbow pain This addiction can also lead to one or more of the following issues: lack of concentration alienation from family and friends decreased productivity moodiness loss of sleep increased risk of injury or death from automobile accidents and other types of accidents While there are drugs and other substances we ingest that pose great risks to us, this problem is not linked to…
Episode 105: Teaching Kids that the Bible is Truth [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Children need to know that the Bible is not just a “storybook,” but that it contains the Truth. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah discuss the importance of teaching this to children, and share some tips to make sure we are instilling this into kids. Resource “The Real World” [Charlene Notgrass] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
Can You Go the Extra Mile?
At the heart of the Sermon on the Mount, while Jesus was talking about Old Testament laws and sins and the taking and performing of oaths, he submitted this challenge – “If anyone wants to sue you, and take away your shirt, give him your coat also. If someone compels you to go one mile with him, go with him two” (Matthew 5:40-41). We are familiar with this passage because it is the classic “turn the other cheek” text. It is obvious that our Lord was advising against retaliation and, instead, insisting on a kind heart and an attitude of sacrifice. But what did Jesus really mean by going the…
Where is the Bottleneck?
A “bottleneck” is defined on as: 1. a. A narrow or obstructed section, as of a highway or a pipeline. b. A point or an area of traffic congestion. 2. A hindrance to progress or production. 3. The narrow part of a bottle near the top. 4. Music A style of guitar playing in which an object, such as a piece of glass or metal, is passed across the strings to achieve a gliding sound. 5. Biology An abrupt and severe reduction in the number of individuals during the history of a species of a population, often resulting in the loss of diversity from the gene pool. For our…